-Macabre Disney Heroines, Esmeralda

Macabre Disney Heroines, Esmeralda


by  Jeffrey Thomas, you can see the rest here; http://www.buzzfeed.com/donnad/delightfully-macabre-disney-heroines

Don’t Be like Quasi here, Send your Dad a card!

Happy Father's Day, Frollo Hunchback Style

Happy Father’s Day




Happy Mother's Day from Quaismodo picture image

Happy Mother’s Day from Quaismodo

Frollo and Quasimodo celebrate Cinco de Mayo

Frollo and Quasimodo celebrate Cinco de Mayo

Quais-Easter Bunny

Quais-Easter Bunny

This one is by Professor Donohue;

Quais-Easter Bunny by Professor Donohue

Quais-Easter Bunny by Professor Donohue

Happy St Patrick's Day Hunchback style

Happy St Patrick’s Day Hunchback style

Here is the Valentine that Frollo sent to Esmeralda.

Frollo's Valentine to Esmeralda image picture

Frollo’s Valentine to Esmeralda

Frollo rings in new year 2013 in style picture image

Frollo rings in 2013 in style

Christmas Esmeralda picture image

Christmas Esmeralda