Today Fan-art is by ayudameavolar

I really enjoy Ayudameavolar’s art work it’s  fun, cute and creative. Esmeralda isn’t depicted as cute nearly enough.

Esmeralda by ayudameavolar

Esmeralda by ayudameavolar

Today’s Wonderful Hunchback Fan-Art is by saxitlurg. It’s original characters concept of the character as kids because it more fun. It was actually painted which also makes it fun. So the overall effect is a cute and fun painting.

Notre Dame de Paris by saxitlurg

Notre Dame de Paris by saxitlurg

From left to right: Quasimodo, Pierre (kneeling), Frollo, Esmerelda, and Pheobus

Today’s Fan Art is by DarthxErik and it’s anadorable drawing of Quasimodo from Notre Dame de Paris from the Les Oiseaux Qu’on Met En Cage (The Birds they put in Cages). I saw this on and I fell in love with it, it’s just so cute.

Where Are You My Esmeralda by DarthxErik

Where Are You My Esmeralda by DarthxErik