These are Notre Dame de Paris Style Dolls made using Divine Dolls Dark Mage Creator.


Notre Dame de Paris Style Esmeralda composed using Divine Doll Dark Mage Creator picture image

Notre Dame de Paris Style Esmeralda composed using Divine Doll Dark Mage Creator

Fleur de Lys

Notre Dame de Paris Style Fleur de Lys composed using Divine Doll Dark Mage Creator picture image

Notre Dame de Paris Style Fleur de Lys composed using Divine Doll Dark Mage Creator

Personally I liked the idea of the costume concept more than the show’s actually costumes. I do like that the newest version updated the costumes but I think they could be tweaked and reimagined a bit more. Notre Dame de Paris was never Phantom, I don’t think people are going to feel betrayed if the costumes are not the some from production to production.

I do wonder how different the show would be with different more time-appropriate costumes. Like Fleur de Lys in ornate gowns and the like. Or Esmeralda in maybe brightly colored pattern fabrics that have a hint of belly dancing to them.

Esmeralda composed by Angelique DuFleur using Diving Doll Dark Mage Creator picture image

Esmeralda composed by Angelique DuFleur using Diving Doll Dark Mage Creator

This was created by Angelique DuFleur using Dark Mage Creator at Divine Doll. She took inspiration from both the Disney movie and Victor Hugo. You can really see the inspiration and it’s a really great representation of Esmeralda. Not all the Paper Doll games allow for such a close likeness.

The Dark Mage Creator is also fun to use. I managed to create some Notre Dame de Paris inspired ones.

Star wars version of Disney's Esmeralda in her Red Dance costume, Azalea Sci-Fi Doll Game picture image

Star wars version of Disney’s Esmeralda in her Red Dance costume, Azalea Sci-Fi Doll Game

What can I say? I’m currently obsessed with Star Wars. This is a re-endering of Esmeralda using the Sci-ff Doll game from Azalea Dolls. Would you believe Esmeralda’s red costume is easier to re-create than her usual look?

I’m very sorry to have to postpone another review post again. I hate doing postponing the post but I’m sick again and I tried to push through but spent hours trying to write and I got like four sentence in and it was crap, utter crap, worse that usual. So instead here a paper doll of Esmeralda using  the  Azalea Heroine  Doll Game in the style of  Benjamin Lacombe’s version of Esmeralda.

Benjamin Lacombe's version of Esmeralda using Azalea Heroine Doll Game picture image

Benjamin Lacombe’s version of Esmeralda using Azalea Heroine Doll Game

I do like Lacombe cute yet gothic style.


Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

I do like Lacombe cute yet gothic style.

You might recall this Fan-art of Esmeralda by Jirka Vinse Jonatan Väätäinen.

Esmeralda Real Life Rendering by Jirka Väätäinen Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Real Life Rendering by Jirka Väätäinen Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Well fairly recently Väätäinen did a set of the same style but for the Disney male heroes and here is the one done for Phoebus.

Phoebus, Real Life Rendering by Jirka Väätäinen Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Phoebus, Real Life Rendering by Jirka Väätäinen Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Unlike the set of the Disney Princesses+ characters I can’t quite identify who they are basing the rendering on but it’s spot on from the Disney design.

I hope they do more Disney Villains next, they only have Ursula so far.
Check out more by Väätäinen at

October this year is all about Pumpkin Spice in EVERYTHING! Soon your tires will have that warm Pumpkin-spice Smell.

So to capitalize of this trend Quasi-Brand Cereal has released Pumpkin Spice Froll-Os cereal. With Shiny Bells, Lively Tamabourines, Lusty Flames, Stoney Gargoyles, Majestic Notre Dames and Sparkly Gold Coins Marshmallows!

Pumpkin Spice Frollo Froll-Os hunchback Notre dame cereal

Pumpkin Spice Froll-Os

There Lustfully Delicious.

Be Honest, Who wishes this was real?

This is Danielle from Madeline as Esmeralda

picture image Danielle from Madeline as Esmeralda  azalea doll

Danielle from Madeline as Esmeralda

was made using AzaleasDolls‎ heroine creator.

Esmeralda der glockner von notre dame azalea doll Heroine game picture image

Esmeralda from Der Glockner von Notre Dame using Azalea Heroine Doll Game

These  are Sketches of Disney Quasimodo  by William Carson. I think these are great ^^ Love Quasimodo in a tie and the gradient in the second one.

Sketch of Quasimdo by  William Carson

Sketch of Quasimdo by William Carson

Sketch of Quasimdo by  William Carson

Sketch of Quasimdo by William Carson


Check  out his blog,