Today’s mystical horoscope comes from the French Lyrics of Notre Dame de Paris.
“Jusqu’Ã la fin des temps,”
I don’t know what it means, I don’t speak French.
(Means “Until the end of time”)
Today’s mystical horoscope comes from the French Lyrics of Notre Dame de Paris.
“Jusqu’Ã la fin des temps,”
I don’t know what it means, I don’t speak French.
(Means “Until the end of time”)
Today’s horoscope comes from the book using the Delirium chapter.
“Claude, in the state of hallucination in which he found himself, believed that he saw, that he saw with his actual eyes, the bell tower of hell; the thousand lights scattered over the whole height of the terrible tower seemed to him so many porches of the immense interior furnace; the voices and noises which escaped from it seemed so many shrieks, so many death groans. Then he became alarmed, he put his hands on his ears that he might no longer hear, turned his back that he might no longer see, and fled from the frightful vision with hasty strides.”
Be wary where you walk today, who may see very spooky things
This prophesy comes to us through the median of the English Version of Belle from Notre Dame de Paris.
“Belle, there is a demon inside her who came from hell”
Avoid pretty people today, they bring ill omens. Tomorrow they will be ok again.
Today’s prophecy comes for the Hunchback Disney Script.
“You’re telling me! I’m losing to a Bird!”
It is futile to chose an avian as an opponent today.
Today’s Prophecy comes from the novel
“But no, I still crawl; I bruise my face and knees on sharp stones of the subterranean way.”
Today will be a rough day for you.
Today’s Horoscopes from the novel of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is thus;
“Without a word she approached the sufferer, who vainly writhed and twisted to avoid her, and loosening a gourd from her girdle, she raised it gently to the parched lips of the miserable wretch.”
Help with come to you even if you don’t want it at first.
Today we’ll look into the novel of the Hunchback of Notre Dame to gain an insight into your future.
“But usually all insults were unheeded by both priest and ringer. Quasimodo was too deaf and Claude too great a dreamer to hear them”
The way is clear, don’t listen to ideal prattle today it could get in the way of your dreams.
Today’s horoscope comes the Disney Movie Script
“But what chance could a poor, misshapen child like you have against her heathen treachery? Well, never you mind, Quasimodo. She will be out of our lives soon enough. I will free you from her evil spell. She will torment you no longer.”
With the help of some much older cooler than you, you will expunge some negative energies from your life.