Since it’s Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate 5 times Quasimodo and Esmeralda* actually got together at the end. And not in the tragic way like in the novel but in the happy romance kind. (* one of the “Esmeraldas” has a different name but she is essentially Esmeralda.)

Quasimodo d’El Paris 

Patrick Timsit as Quasimodo & Melanie Thierry as Esmeralda Quasimodo d'El Paris picture image
Patrick Timsit as Quasimodo & Melanie Thierry as Esmeralda

This odd modern comedic retelling does in fact have these getting together at the end. It’s a weird version to be sure but it does have it’s moments and it’s a nice change of pace for a live-action version having these two get together at the end.

The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo

Esmeralda & Quasimodo, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo, Episode 10
Esmeralda give Quasimodo a little hug

While this Children’s TV Show version doesn’t in fact have Quasimodo and Esmeralda officially as couple, they are cute and flirty with each other and it was clear that was the direction for these two had the show gone on longer.

The Jetlag Version

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image
Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace

The Jetlag version ends with them running off together after a very loving embrace.

Enchanted Tales

Melody and Quasimodo Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image
Melody and Quasimodo

Melody is essentially Esmeralda all except in name, so she counts. While the Enchanted Tales version is decidedly mediocre these two get married at the end and that is very romance.

And Last but not Least HUNCH!

Quasimodo and Esmeralda in Hunch, The Critic picture image
Quasimodo and Esmeralda in Hunch, The Critic

While this is a fake musical from the 90s show The Critic, it counts! In the show “Hunch” is an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical and it’s clear that Esmeralda and Quasimodo has a romantic attachment. (Put a pin in this one for now.)

Or At Least 7 lower ranking Disney movies that I want to point out.

The Hunchblog's Most Hated Disney Movie

I’ve been too nice of late. Too much niceness with works, giving too much leeway to greedy CEOs who too often undercut the creatives and make a movie worse all in the name of making money for the executives.

Some of these movies were victims of development hell. Some had good ideas but for a myriad of reasons were a bad final product. Sometimes I think Disney just doesn’t know what the Hell they are doing and luck into a good movie. Or they are lucky with the creative team and the CEOs just leave the project alone.

If you LOVE or marginally like any of these more power to you.

These are in the order than I watch them.

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I’m A Sucker for a Period Drama

Once I was succumbed to Netflix adversing. I knew nothing about the series but I watched it and I enjoyed it. That series was The Queen’s Gambit and I watched it purely on the Netflix preview. Fast Forward to earlier this December and it happened again with 100 years of Solitude

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