Continuation of the Key to the Red  by Benjamin Lacombe, Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Continuation of the Key to the Red by Benjamin Lacombe, Notre Dame de Paris

By Benjamin Lacombe from Notre Dame de Paris

This is Benjamin Lacombe’s drawing of Frollo’s lab.

Frollo's Lab, Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Frollo’s Lab, Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

A new picture from Lacombe’s second book of his graphic novel version of Notre Dame de Paris. It’s very pretty.

Lacombe's Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Lacombe’s Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris


Hunchback of Notre Dame Graphic Novel by Tim A Conrad

Hunchback of Notre Dame Graphic Novel by Tim A Conrad

Today marks the release of Tim Conrad’s Graphic Novel version of Hunchback of Notre Dame.  So far it’s gotten mixed reviews but I’ll you  be the judge of it that till I get my hands on it and find something the comment on (other than Esmeralda’s red hair).

Click here to order it from Amazon


Book 2 of Benjamin Lacombe’s Graphic Novel version of Notre Dame de Paris comes out in December in France. Here is a picture of Esmeralda with Sister Gudule.

 Esmeralda and Sister Gudule by Benjamin Lacombe, Notre Dame de Paris Tome 2 picture image

Esmeralda and Sister Gudule by Benjamin Lacombe from Notre Dame de Paris Tome 2


I saw this on Twolionss’ Tumblr site (She has another page up click here to see it )and had to post it. It’s A Page from Tim Conrad’s Hunchback of Notre Dame Grpahic Novel

An Page from Tim Conrad's graphic novel version of Hunchback of Notre dame from Book 9  Chapter 1 Delirium picture image

An Page from Tim Conrad's graphic novel version of Hunchback of Notre dame from Book 9 Chapter 1 Delirium

This scene is from Book 9 Chapter 1 Delirium of the novel where Frollo, in his guilt and growing insanity, finds Esmeralda in Notre Dame and think she is specter.


Curious that Esmeralda’s hair is red in this huh? The only other time I’ve seen her with red has been in certain casts of Notre Dame de Paris  and Maureen O’Hara in the 1939 version but that doesn’t really count as it’s a black & white movie.

Frances d'Amour as  Esmeralda in Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Frances d'Amour as Esmeralda in Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda Smiling, Maureen O'Hara 1939 HUnchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Smiling, Maureen O'Hara 1939 HUnchback of Notre Dame







I’m not sure about the art  it’s simplistic and the color are muted. It might work better in context  full of the work.

Tim Conrad’s Graphic Novel of The Hunchback is going to be out  July 31 2012 but you can preorder, Click here to preorder it