The Jetlag Verision! It won by one vote.
July is over and so end the Hunchblog’s first theme month. So did you enjoy it? Should I do more theme months?
I designed two new Hunchback Products on Zazzle a Mug and a t-shirt
Enjoy ^^….?
Today’s Horoscope comes from my old leather bound copy of the book. I’m not sure how old it is though. But it has illustrations.
The Horoscope is ” Thus, to sum up the points which we just indicated, three sorts of ravages to-day disfigure Gothic Architecture.” (Book 3, Chapter 1 Notre-Dame)
How prophetic!
I have created a new Notre Dame de Paris Lens, “The Top Ten Worst Song of Notre Dame de Paris“. As much as I love NDdP I know not every song is that great or even good. I started this Lens a few weeks ago and finally decided to finish a few days ago. It was actually hard to come up with ten but I did, so find out which song are the worst of the show.
And feel free to disagree with me. So click the link to find out what they are and why……..Enjoy
Link has been removed
2019 update- if you’re reading this in 2019, Squidoo no longer exists and this post will be removed at some point.
2022- I can’t remember why this one didn’t transfer to Hubpages like that other one did way back when hubpages took over squidoo’s content. I could have just deleted this it though. I could just a post on it. But It’s unlikely that I will remove this post.
So I thought I would go a little behind the scenes of the Hunchblog and share some of the names that were suggested to me by a friend for the Blog’s title. (I remember these because they are still on my cell phone) Enjoy
– Rollin’ with Frollo
– Frollo’s Draughts
– Frollo’s Promissory
– Frollo’s Fashion
– The Fashions of Notre Dame
– Dernier Cri de Notre Dame
– Huncnback, Allez
– Notre Dame de Cafe
– C’est la Notre Dame
– The Polish of Notre Dame
– Illuminations de Notre Dame
– Hunchback in Flames
– The Circus of Notre Dame
– Hunchback Spotting
– Assemblage of Notre Dame
– Frollo Files
– Blog of Notre Dame
Two Questions!
Which one of these is your favorite and did I make the right decision with The Hunchblog of Notre Dame?
A silly video using Victor Hugo Frollo as it’s base. The credits are funny too. By TheTatterdemalion2