Happy 2019!
I hope it’s a better year.
Happy 2019!
I hope it’s a better year.
Instead of being mad that this remake seems content to enjoy its false advertising or some how trying to redefine ‘what is live action’ let’s just considered how this movie might incorporate the “live” aspect without anyone knowing so Disney can continues to capitalize on this trend.
Disclaimer – This post is meant as joke.
So stupid idea number, this movie DOES have “live action humans” in it. Like the story is actually a nature documentary and there are humans off in the background or foreground trying to get those iconic cinematic shots and making commentary, like the narration in the Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty remakes .
Also these humans can harp on those plot-holes that were in the original that people on the internet like to point out all the time. Like the logic of King’s impact on the weather and ecology, Nala’s dad and the incest that it implies, though watch this remake address that Nala’s mother was taken in from some other pride so there is no incest. Don’t worry about it because Disney fixed it. Other plot-holes may include the elephant graveyard, Simba surviving on bugs (though Film Theory covered that ) and so on and so on. Disney will fix it, it will fix them all and create new ones but that will be the remake of the remake’s problem.
Or perhaps maybe one of the animals is a real Animal hidden amongst the CG animation. You will have to watch the movie 100 times to spot it. And it will be in the background and it will like a tiny lizard or something. Maybe one of the bugs Simba eats. Likes it’s a Metaphor for how CG is taking over. But only TRUE DIE HARD DISNEY fans will spot the “live” animal in this remake.
The reasons for these remakes existing, besides more money, does seem to be pushing the computer animation tech (which people are bored with at this point) AND to correct plot-holes from the originals because imagination is hard and people need things explained more. Like with Beauty and the Beast and logic of a curse and a magical castle. So now they need it with CG Lions meet Hamlet.
I hope this movie does actually shoe-horn in humans or one real animal just for the word usage of “Disney Live Remakes” but I also can’t WAIT for how people in interviews will BS some reason for how it’s “Live” or why it doesn’t matter. Then again does Disney actually use the term “Live Action remakes?” Is this even a problem?
Ultimately I do not care, Disney needs its money and repackage nostalgia is a safe bet to get that money. Though if people really wanted Disney to stop with these movies collectively we need to stop paying attention and sending money on them but we won’t so here we are with four “live action remakes” coming out in 2019.