Two new products by the Hunchstore. (remember you can change the style on any Zazzle product to suit you taste and wallet)

This one is inspired by disney’s Esmeralda. My thought behind this is that it’s the perfect bag for people cosplaying Esmeralda to incorporate into their costumes and it’s not too out there for everyday use for those who want Esmeralda’s style infused into their wardrobe.

Gypsy Inspired Bag Wristlet Purses
Gypsy Inspired Bag Wristlet Purses by Hunchstore
Check out other Bohomenian Bagettes Bags at

This one is just a fun little mug for those who like Quasimodo

Team Quaismodo Mug
Team Quaismodo Mug by Hunchstore
Look at Quasimodo Mugs online at

So you may or may not know that in addition to my Blog and Squidoo Lenses, I have a Zazzle Store and I’ve started make Hunchback related items as well as other stuff. But since this is Hunchback Blog I’m Going to share the hunchback  with you instead of just throwing the in my Hunchblog Zazzle pag, but there is more Hunchback stuff on there so be sure to check it.
Here are my items so far…

Bohemienne T-shirt shirt
Bohemienne T-shirt by Hunchstore
Browse Zazzle for another
New items are in works and  be sure check out my humble Zazzle store here .