These feature Angelo Del Vecchio as Quasimodo, who is the alternate. He was also in the 1oth anniversary Italian cast with Alessandra Ferrari.
These feature Angelo Del Vecchio as Quasimodo, who is the alternate. He was also in the 1oth anniversary Italian cast with Alessandra Ferrari.
A Video of Matt Laurent (who has played Quausimodo over 400 times) sings Dance my Esmeralda on a Russian TV show.
I think he does a great job. He really does make some of the more awkward lines work. The arrangement is a bit more of a pop sound than in the show. I find it cute that he does that head tilt back move that you see Garou do a lot ( at 0.48). Maybe now it’s just a Quasimodo gesture to get the right tone of voice, but I alway associate that head tilt with Garou.
I hope you like videos of the Asian Tour Cast because that is what this post is all about. Originally I had just found one new video but in the course of trying to tell Lilly-Jane Young and Myriam Brousseau apart (they look very similar) I found a few more videos so enjoy and tell what do you think of this cast.
Korean News Preview
The Age of the Cathedrals
Refugees & Belle
Dance my Esmeralda
Myriam Brousseau backstage as Fleur de Lys