Last week this Live Action Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Fan Casting came up on my google alerts. So let’s review their choices.

First off on the whole this article seems to think singing is needed in the casting though so far none of the Live-action Disney versions have been musicals so that shouldn’t be  a factor.

Josh Gad as Quasimodo

Josh Gad for Quasimodo picture image

Josh Gad

I don’t see it. Gad has a goofy comedian vibe but I don’t see him as sweet, insecure Disney Quasimodo. I would hate, HATE to say it but he is better suited for Hugo and I hope the Gargoyles would be cut out or at the very least CLEAR figments of Quasimodo’s imagination.

Rosario Dawson as Esmeralda


Rosario Dawson for Esmeralda picture image

Rosario Dawson

I’m a little torn on this one. On the one hand I can see her pulling of Esmeralda as Disney depicted her but on the other hand I don’t think she is the best casting choice there is.

I think Disney should try for some Bollywood IT girl or something. Deepika Padukone is popular fan choice as well as Priyanka Chopra who is one few Bollywood actors to make the jump to Hollywood as she on ABC’s Quantico which makes Chopra the first South Asian to headline an American network drama series.   Or Jana Perez would be a good option for Esmeralda and has the benefit of being in another Live action Disney movie before like Mr. Gad.

Zachary Levi as Phoebus

Zachary Levi for Phoebus picture image

Zachary Levi

I can see this one working. He has the right type of look for Phoebus and could pull off Phoebus’ witty and brave personality.

Alan Rickman as Frollo


Alan Rickman for Frollo picture image

Alan Rickman

This a yes and a no. First yes, Rickman as Frollo is like ideal casting that people all want but for Disney Frollo, it’s a little more iffy on that super austere design he has. But considering Disney Frollo’s design is based on Sir Cedric Hardwicke and Rickman has a similar screen presence I will go with a yes. I agree.

Neil Patrick Harris as Clopin

Neil Patrick Harris for Clopin picture image

Neil Patrick Harris

Again yes and no. Harris could pull off Clopin’s personality BUT he does not have the look. His look should resemble Esmeralda unless there something in the script to address it. Like Clopin in the book was the head of thieves I.E the Court of Miracles and not the leader of the Gypsies. In Disney movie he is the leader of  Gypsies. So it’s up to the script and or filmmakers who they can cast. But I think  the role should go to  someone else.

What do you think. Do you like these suggestions?

Deepika Padukone picture image

Deepika Padukone

This isn’t a casting choice I thought up, I have seen this suggestion floating around the internet for a while. Deepika Padukone is a Bollywood actress that has been on the scene since about 2007 with her first major hit Om Shanti Om . Since then she has been a lot of popular Bollywood films, she also has an upcoming film called Finding Fanny. The question is would she make a good Esmeralda?

Deepika Padukone as Shanti Priya from Om Shanti Om picture image

Deepika Padukone as Shanti Priya from Om Shanti Om

I would say yes. Padukone is a decent actress. I saw her in Om Shanti Om a few years ago, and I really enjoyed that movie. For this post I tried watching Chennai Express, which I loathed. It wasn’t Padukone’s fault, that film was under the impression that references to other Bollywood films is funny, and yes it can be but they did it way too much. Plus it just a bad movie but the references were beyond painful. Anyway, I think Padukone could pull Esmeralda off an acting level, I mean pending on the intent of the film, Esmeralda isn’t the deepest character.

Deepika Padukone picture image

Deepika Padukone

She also has a decent look for Esmeralda but only if they don’t go with her original back story. Padukone is known as a beauty in Bollywood which helps Esmeralda as she is suppose to be very beautiful. Also as a Bollywood actress she can dance, so another plus.

Deepika Padukone picture image

Deepika Padukone

All in all, I think Deepika Padukone would be a solid choice for the role. Would she be greatest Esmeralda ever? Can’t say but she would be a decent casting choice.

What do you think?