Another Round of Find the Differences! There are Nine.

 Esmeralda and Frollo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Differences Picture

Esmeralda and Frollo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Differences

Esmeralda and Frollo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo gropes Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

I was hoping to post the Phoebus installment of “Let’s get Superficial” today since I won’t be able do it this weekend, however it’s been delayed and it’s not ready yet. But since I’m trying to update more often (two-three times a week), I’ve made this for fun;

Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Esmeralda and Phoebus differences picture image






Esmeralda and Phoebus Disney Hunchback of notre dame image pictureFind the differences and leave a comment with the answers. There are 6 differences in total. There are not meant to be too hard or too challenging, just fun. I’ll post the original picture  next time. So have fun.  ^_^