Ciara Renee as Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcasts, production of Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Ciara Renee as Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcasts, production of Hunchback of Notre Dame

Topsy Turvy Part 2 –  And Now Part 2 of Topsy Turvy. This part is the King of Fools segment and Quasimodo’s crowning. It has a few differences from the movie version most notably Esmeralda has a few spoken lines and they there is the tune from Sanctuary in there. I probably should mention that  Sanctuary was a song from the German version that occurred right before Out There. In this musical it is more of a Frollo Leitmotif piece than a full song. It’s also heard in Bells of Notre Dame and the next song Into Notre Dame.

As for this song, it’s fine if you like it in the movie you should like it here. I’m not a huge fan of Erik Liberman’s voice on this song but that is a personal preference more than a criticism.

Into Notre Dame –  This song is a bit of a Frankenstein song, I mean that nicely as it just a combo of three songs, well really two. The first part of this is Frollo telling Quasimodo that he was right, that people  suck and he should stay in his Sanctuary. So for this part we get Out there reprise and the shadows of Sanctuary or as I will just call it Frollo’s Leitmotif.

The second part of this song is Esmeralda entering Notre Dame to the tune of the Bells of Notre Dame. This part is quite lovely. I especially love Ciara’ voice on her line ” The Light of Notre Dame.” I must say so far that is my favorite part so far. Also it’s nice to speak of another aspect of Notre Dame than just the bells.

This song is really just a segue song to get from the festival to Notre Dame so that explains why it doesn’t have its own melody but the pieces of the other song work to move the plot and they make sense with the subject matter.

God Help the Outcasts –  For the big songs of Hunchback they are going to perform they near exact to the movie because that one thing the people want, they want to hear their favorite songs along with new songs and no gargoyles and that is pretty much it. So God Help the Outcasts is just that, identical to the movie which is better than Glockner which gave a change that I hated. They made it a duet with Quasimodo which meant Esmeralda didn’t have her own song though Phoebus did. That still bothers me.

All and all aside from some key shifts and singing a bit lower it’s the same song. I do love the chorus on the “bless me part” ironically it sounded very ethereal. Ciara Renee definitely has similar voice quality to the original singer Heidi Mollenhauer whose has very tender warm slightly smoky quality to her voice. It’s a very nice version of the song I just don’t love the song as much other people but again that is a personal thing and not a criticism. I was hoping that this version would sway me into liking more but it didn’t. Not the song fault I’m a hard sell.

La Jolla Hunchback Poster picture image

La Jolla Hunchback Poster

I have been looking for pictures or videos of the new Hunchback musicals since it began and I have found next to zip till now. While searching for the sets of show I found and when I looked back there a few days later I found this which has some of the recordings of the song from the show. So very briefly I will just go through the recording and give my thoughts.

Rhythm of the Tambourine –  I have to assume this is Esmeralda’s introductory song and it’s a new song. I gotta say though, it’s not doing much for me and I’m a little bummed that it not an Esmeralda only song that was a big issue for me with Glockner.

Made of Stone – I have to admit Michael Arden sounds a bit like Colm Wickinson here. I also wish he was angrier sounder, he sounds more sad but it’s a fine version of the song. I’m curious about the Ensemble/Gargoyles roles.

Finale Ultimo, Part 1 – They kept the stabbing angle? Neat! I don’t really like the pep talk with Quasimodo and the ensemble, seems un-necessary with the Made of Stone song. Overall it’s good.

The Tavern Song (Thai Mol Piyas) – Another new song! It’s fun. I’m not sure where this song goes in the play but I like it.
Apparently Thai Mol Piyas might mean “And wine we drink” in Romani.

Sanctuary (Reprise) – OMG, the red door scene! At first I thought it was the jail scene but it’s clearly not. This could have been in the original Glockner because it was in the King’s Academy version although less adult.   I’m glad to hear some lines from the book though.

God Help the Outcasts – They play this very straight to the original Disney movie which is fine by me because I hated Quasimodo part of the song as it took Esmeralda’s only solo away. At first I though Ciara Renee was going to be belt-y with this song but she isn’t, it’s nicely done.

The Bells of Notre Dame – This is very different. The example Frollo backstory prior to Quasimodo.  Frollo has Jehan back in the version. Frollo and Jehan lived at Notre Dame. Jehan gets Frollo a Gyspy prostitutes for his birthday but they get caught Jehan get kicked out. Frollo then rises to the ranked of Archdeacon. Frollo finds Jehan who dying and his Gyspy wife has died. Jehan asks Frollo to take his baby, i.e Quasi. He doesn’t want to but then does.

I’m not sure how to feel about this version of the song. It’s a good mitigation between the novel and Disney version but it lacks the drama and intensity that the Disney version had. However it could be way better on stage. They also mispronounce Jehan.

Hellfire – Much like God Help the Outcast, they play this one straight to the Disney version.

The got rid of A Guy like you, City under Siege, Out of Love, Dance of the Gypsies, Balancing Act.

What do you think of these songs?

Sung by Hosaka Chizu who is a musical singer.

This is the third part of the music review of Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Hilf den Verstoß’nen

Esmeralda singing Hilf den Verstoßenen in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda singing Hilf den Verstoß’nen in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Hilf den Verstoß’nen (God Help the Outcast) is for the most part the same as the Disney version with one exception, Quasimodo sings in it. This add-on makes the song a touch longer. Another minor difference is that unlike the  parishioners in the Disney that sings about wanting wealth, fame, glory together in the stage show the first two lines are sung in solos. A minute difference. Musically the song is identical to the Disney. Seriously, play the songs together and they are the same musically.

It’s a nice version of God Help the Outcast. On the one hand, I rather like the addition of Quasimodo here but on the other it robs Esmeralda of a song to herself. I mean Phoebus gets one but Esmeralda also sings with someone else whereas Quasimodo gets two songs for himself, three is you want to count the Gargoyles as part of his psyche. Considering that I wish they had let Quasimodo out of the song but maybe Menken and Schwartz felt that Esmeralda and Quasimodo should have got one song together but Quasimodo shyness would have prevented him from actively singing with her so him stalking her around Notre Dame and sing along wit her prayer was a logic move to make but still would it have killed them to give her a solo song. Really if they really want to take God Help the Outcast from her they should made Einmal (Once) her solo song but we’ll get to Einmal later.

Watch a Video clip here

Hoch über der Welt

Esmeralda and Quasimodo during Hoch über der Welt in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Quasimodo during Hoch über der Welt in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Hoch über der Welt (High above the World) takes place when Esmeralda and Quasimodo are a top of Notre Dame and it is sung by Esmeralda and the gargoyles. Esmeralda thinks that Paris  is better when viewed from above and the gargoyles encourage Quasimodo to put the moves on her. His move constitutes asking to sit next to her, which she agrees to and in the gargoyle tradition of jumping to conclusions they start planning the wedding.

This song acts as a bonding song between the two and it’s a good example of what works in a musical version wouldn’t work in a movie. A song like this in the movie would have killed the pacing and would have worked against Esmeralda sweeter less experienced nature.

Musically it employs the tactic that  Zuflucht employed which was two melodies that are song together in the third part of the songs. This makes it so the first person(ie Frollo, Esmeralda, Phoebus etc) sing unaware of the gargoyles singing with them. And like Zuflucht the harmonies work well together.

Hoch über der Welt is a nice and sweet on Esmeralda’s end and fun and energetic on the gargoyles’ end. It also works to help establish Quasimodo and Esmeralda’s friendship more than just one the conversation they had in the movie

Watch a a video of being performed  Here

Next Time-
Das Licht des Himmels (Heaven’s Light)
Das Feuer der Hölle (Hellfire)

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Notre Dame of Paris Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Notre Dame of Paris Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

I had said in my 1939 Hunchback of Notre Dame review on setting, that movies shouldn’t take too much from Notre Dame’s structure as it’s changed a lot from it’s state from the time the story takes place to when Victor Hugo wrote the book to when Disney created the film.

Frollo and Notre Dame Bells Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo stares at Notre Dame during the Bells of Notre Dame FDisney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Satellite Dish during Out There Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Satellite Dish during Out There Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








First Disney makes  Notre Dame much taller than it actually is. It’s a flaw but it not something to rage over. It’s just kind of laughable large. Another flaw that can be over looked is the all the exterior sculptures on the Cathedral are shown as plain, natural-colored stone. At the time the story is set, they were polychromatic – painted in colors. Again  it can be overlooked because Notre Dame current look is so iconic that it would have looked strange to audience to have colors associated with the exterior. I can also overlook the square in front of Notre Dame also that wouldn’t have been there in 1400 but you can forgive.

The aspects of the depiction that I have a hard time overlooking is the how the sanctuary is depicted. In the scheme of Hunchback cartoons and movies it’s very accurate, there are some terrible representations of Notre Dame but the way it’s set up in the film is problematic. The Sanctuary is show once in the film during “God Help the Outcast


Quasimodo watching to Esmeralda during God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo watching to Esmeralda during God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








Looking at Notre Dame’s set up and structure Notre Dame seems both bigger and smaller. Esmeralda strolls though the layout a a very leisurely pace yet the Cathedral seems more expansive than it is. She also isn’t impeded by the structure. At about at the 2:00 minute mark of the song, Esmeralda is seen walking in the side aisles and to her left there are columns. Then in the very next shot, Esmeralda is against a Fresco, with no columns in the shot. Which means Esmeralda needed to veer to another side of the column but she did not. So I guess the columns magically go away for a better shot. Also if her head in level with the fresco how tall is she? Because her height is really inconsistent and she’s bare foot and those Frescos are pretty high off the ground. Then this could be inconsistency. But do make the inside of the Church not in proper proportion.

Check out this website to see what I mean; click around to get a visual tour of Notre Dame

Quasimodo during Out There with anachronism Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo during Out There with anachronism Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


So getting back to what I said at the beginning of this about being careful not to copy Notre Dame in it current state to much is that after Victor Hugo wrote Notre Dame de Paris, the cathedral when though a massive changes. The statues that can be seen in Out There towards the end when Quasimodo talks “Ordinary Men” where add after the novel was written in 1831. Those statues are 12 apostles that adorned the spire. I don’t think I would mind this but Quasimodo motions to the statues as an examples of “ordinary men” The 12 Apostles are ordinary men Disney? Really? The fact the Disney used the statues as more than just Background but a visual aid is where I find fault.

Next Time – Major Differences between Disney and the Book

Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Quasimodo's Reveal Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney

Quasimodo Illustrtion Francois flameng

Illustration of Quasimodo

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Let’s us now concluded the musical portion of Hunchback with probably the strongest aspect of it; Alan Menken’s Score. The Hunchback of Notre Dame has one of the best score that Disney has ever produced. Menken was inspired by Mozart’s Requiem Mass and there a lot of dark tonalities to the Music  which in conclude Latin chanting which add    to the gothic nature of tone to the movie. When I say Gothic I referring to the building of Notre Dame and not the genre of the Victor Hugo’s book. The score also has a lot of Leitmotifs (referring to a recurring theme associated with a particular person, place, or idea.)

Quasimodo during Out There Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo during Out There Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame pitcure image

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame





Quasimodo = Out There, Frollo =Hellfire, Phoebus has this march that is heard a lot when ever he appears on the screen, and Esmeralda = God Help The Outcasts. Clopin doesn’t seem to get one because he is always singing. You can hear the song tune throughout the movie. Track 4 Humiliation has the tunes of Out There and  God help the Outcast.

Quasimodo declares Sanctuary for Esmeralda Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image
Quasimodo declares Sanctuary for Esmeralda


So while the songs are pretty hit and miss, the score is strong. My Favorite track is defiantly Sanctuary!, it over the top and dramatic. Plus I’m a fan of Latin choir, it maybe a cliche but they really do make everything sound much more epic


Next time a slight Rant and Plea to Disney

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







So now we come to the Demo reel of Someday. If Someday had been chosen over “God help the Outcast” the animation would have looked have followed this. It’s pretty the some as “God Help the Outcast” and it’s sung by Heidi Mollenhaur.

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Quasimodo Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







So the story goes that Alan Menken wrote “God Help the Outcast” for the “Esmeralda Prayer” sequence. The director felt that they wanted a song with more energy for this part because they felt Outcast was to quiet. Menken then wrote “Someday”  which is a bigger number. However untimely the Directors felt it was too big a  number to be sung in Notre Dame of Paris and they went with “God help the Outcast”. Now if you read my review of “God help the Outcast” you’d know I have some problems with song as I find to be on the condescending side. It bothers me that Directors opted for Outcast over Someday by claiming it was more humble. Example what more humble  saying your at loss words or trying to relate to Mary? I find Someday far humbler.

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







It also bothers me that they claimed “Someday” was too big for Notre Dame. In “God Help the Outcast” Parishioner sing loudly and Esmeralda does belt a little bit towards the end of “God Help the Outcast”. So why was “God Help the Outcast” chosen over “Someday”? The reason I think is untimely “God Help the Outcast” reflects Quasimodo more. Esmeralda maybe singing about Gypsies but the song heavy eludes back to Quasimodo. And this film never wants you to forget Quasimodo, ever. In “Someday” she says the phase “Out There” but other than that Quasimodo is really reflected back. So since the film can’t seem to go 5 minutes without Quasimodo the songs is about Outcasts and not the world as a whole.

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

A Picture from the demo reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame image picture

A Picture from the demo reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








Should they have gone with “Someday” over “God help the Outcast” for Esmeralda’s Prayer? Hard to say, while I like Someday better “God help the Outcast” has more Drama and tension to it plus it refers back to the source material; The 1939 version of Hunchback of Notre Dame, so if nothing else Film Buffs can better catch Disney ripping off another movie which what Disney loves to do.

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Demo Reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







Next Time – Let’s look at the songs that time forgot; The Deleted Songs of Hunchback of Notre Dame    

Esmeralda  As Long as there's Moon Demo Reel Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda As Long as there's Moon Demo Reel Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


Someday Demo Reel Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame image picture

Someday Demo Reel Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Someday was originally written to replace God help the Outcast. The idea was the directors wanted a bigger number for Esmeralda praying in Notre Dame, so Someday was written. Upon comparing the two, they decided to go for the quieter number which was Outcast.  Ultimately I prefer Someday to “God Help the Outcast.” I have to agree with the reasoning, that a big athematic song in a place like Notre Dame isn’t a smart chose for a number, so I understand why they went with it. But I do find “God Help the Outcast” to be not as humble or mature as Someday. Outcast is about Outcasts and Someday is about all people coming to together. It’s about a hope for the betterment of everyone.  The song doesn’t have make over-confident boosting or the juxtaposition of Nobility asking God for selfish gains to sound more humble.


All 4 One Someday Disney HUnchback of Notre Dame picture image

All 4 One Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Someday Eternal Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Someday Eternal Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








Here’s the trouble with Someday; There are four different versions of this song. You have the original version, that was delated from the movie in lieu of “God help the Outcast” performed by Heidi Mollenhauer, The U.S Credit Roll by One 4 All, the U.K Credit Roll by Eternal, and The rendition from  the German musical Der Glockner Von Notre Dame called “Einmal.” Each Version has a different feeling so it’s a little hard to review them together. So I’m not going to. Over the next few post I’ll look at each one. Then I’ll compare them a little bit. That’s Plan Anyway!


First up – The U.S Credit Roll