I’d Stick with you is a Buddy song sung by Zephyr and Quasimodo. Zephyr is feeling his pal, Quasimodo is pulling away from him because he was staring at a girl (or maybe just ignoring his prattle). Quasimodo tells Zephyr that they’ll always be pal. Zephyr via song poses a hypothetical situation, about if he caught by a witch and is suspended over a kettle of blue glue and he falls he if Quasimodo would still be his pal even if he was sticky. Which Quasimodo says he would still be his friend because it’s not that big of a deal, kid. As the song is being sung, Madeline (who changed out her pink costume and into her casual garb in record time) watches and judges Quasimodo to be a nice loyal sort, because I guess loyalty to someone who is sticky is an important trait in a lifemate for her. So surprise the song is a plot device for the Quasimodo/Madeline pairing. This fact is compounded when you think this the last time Quasimodo and Zephyr speak to each other.
So is the song bad? Yes, yes it, I originally thought another song was worse but I feel this song is the far worse. The music is lazy and the lyrics are stupid. Visuals on it are terrible too. Let’s start with the music. You know those songs you make up as you go, more less sing-song in natural that’s all this is. I’m not sure if it’s because it was written this way because a child was singing it, but either Haley Joel Osment couldn’t sing very well or the composer had little respect for children. If the later is true than shame on the composer because children are capable of singing very well.
The Lyrics in the song are awful too. It’s just mostly rhymes to the word “stick”. This leads to some stupid lines. Like being as close as Frick and Frack. Does Quasimodo mean the Figure Skaters from the from the 1940’s? Since he says “closer than Frack and Frick” or does her mean the slang for two people being so close that they’re indistinguishable or does he mean it as a term of derision for any two people, on par with calling one person a “Bozo” or three people “Stooges” ? In any case the line doesn’t work, it’s just for a rhyme. The clock line is an anachronism too because a clock can’t tick without a minute hand and that was invented in 1577 by Jost Burgi. But anachronism isn’t in Disney’s dictionary and who can tell when Disney’s Hunchback was supposed to take place. My guess is Disney operates setting like The Epcot World Pavilions, representation of a place but not accurate (it’s all fun for the children and tourist). Anyway the Lyrics are stupid. How can one be Sticky and Slick? Tell me song!
The Visuals for this song are dull. It’s practically Quasimodo and Zephyr walking around the circus while Madeline is stalks them. That’s it. The song ends because Zephyr gets bored and falls asleep. So one positive I have for it is; At least it’s short, it’s just under two minutes and there is some dialogue in there.
I would say I’d Stick With You is the worst song in the movie maybe in all of Disney (as far as original versions of songs are concerned, don’t get me started on the pop covers). Whether it’s the worst remains to be seen, I haven’t seen all the sequels Disney made but I’m sure one of those movies must have their own honorable distinction of pure awfulness for a song, but it would have to abysmal to rival I’d Stick With You. I may eat those words with the next song.
Next Time- Fa la la la Fallen In Love
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