Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame
I really can’t believe it’s been five years since this little blog began. Much like last year I want to express my thanks to everyone who reads, enjoys or just pass through here. Any interest means a lot to me. I’m sorry I don’t have more for this post because five years deserves a little more but I have been a little burnt out of late I admit. I do hope to continue the blog longer but I don’t know what the future holds but at least there will be TWO New Hunchback movie versions very soon, hopefully.
Sometimes it feels like ever since I started this blog there has been more Hunchback stuff around but it’s probably because I’m just noticing it more but in my little vain heart I think it’s because of me and this blog ^_~.
Anyway again thank you everyone for Five years. Maybe next year I can release a joke Hunchback E-book I have been wanting to write.