Esmeralda and Frollo in Kingdom Hearts picture image

Esmeralda and Frollo in Kingdom Hearts

Let us re-address Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance and discuss Frollo’s voice. Part of the greatness Frollo is Tony Jay’s rich baritone. But who did they get to play Frollo for this game?

The answer is Corey Burton. Burton is veteran voice actor but it is worth mentioning that Burton voiced the Brutish guard in the Disney movie. Which I find slightly amusing.  But Burton doesn’t do a bad job as Frollo is it just different than Jay.

Video of Frollo voiced by Burton.

In Japanese, he is played by Shouzou Sasaki. Sasaki hasn’t lent his voice to much and it seems that this is his biggest role to date.

The Other Voice actors
Quasimodo – Ari Rubin (En)/Sousuke Komori (Jp)
Esmeralda – Renee Faia (En)/Urara Takano (Jp)
Phoebus – Phil LaMarr (En)/Souma Suzuki (Jp)
Hugo- Jason Alexander (En)/Atsushi Haruta (Jp)
Victor- Charles Kimbrough (En)/Kiyotaka Imai (Jp)
Laverne – Patricia Lentz (En)/Hisako Kyouda (Jp)

Some Interesting Notes,
– Jason Alexander and Charles Kimbrough were the only former cast members to reprise their roles.
– Renee Faia appeared in an episode of Seinfeld which stared Jason Alexander.
– Phil LaMarr is also a popular voice actor who was also on MADTv.
– Urara Takano is a well known voice actress who appeared in the musical stage shows of Sakura Taisen (I loved these shows)
– Kiyotaka Imai played the Phantom in the Japanese version of the Phantom of the Opera. Listen here
– Hisako Kyouda oftens plays old ladies in anime.