Madeline and Quasimodo kiss Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Madeline and Quasimodo kiss Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Phoebus and Esmeralda Kiss Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Phoebus and Esmeralda Kiss Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Stupid La Fidèle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney Sequel 2 picture

Stupid La Fidèle Hunchback of Notre Dame II







In the case of Disney’s Hunchback sequel, this was Disney’s chance to give Quasimodo a love story as they didn’t in the original movie because Esmeralda and Phoebus are made for each other and pretty much the some person. However the whole plot with the bell was stupid. What Disney should have done was used the sequel to mitigate between the book and the movie instead of creating a villain who was pretty much universally despised by the masses, an idiotic impractical bell and not utilizing the more beloved main characters -Esmeralda, Clopin, and Djali.


Bruno Pelletier as Gringoire in Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Bruno Pelletier as Gringoire in Notre Dame de Paris

Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Madeline Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney sequel 2 picture image

Madeline Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







Here what they should have done, since Disney is in the business of contrived romances we’ll keep the Madeline character but instead of working for a vain magical bell thief she’ll be in league with Gringoire whose is a poet and a goat thief. Gringoire is original to the book and he does steals/rescues Djali. But having Djali as a focal point it would have been easier to incorporate Esmeralda and Clopin. Plus Djali was a smart Goat who could spell, tell time and do numerous of other tricks, plus Disney could have marketed more Djali toys instead that stupid Bell. Plus there would have been no lame Sarousch or hopefully no Zephyr. (Did anyone like either of them? Seriously I wanna know.)


Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

However, I think Disney should have forgone the whole Quasimodo story line and done a prequel with Esmeralda because I can tell you right know more people search for Esmeralda than Quasimodo, she is just more popular. I think an Esmeralda backstory who have been a better waste of time. Who agrees? I mean we know nothing of Esmeralda’s childhood, parents, how she came to the Court of Miracles, or anything. I guess this makes her mysterious but it would have been more interesting to watch than watching Quasimodo force a girl into liking him with a jewel-crusted bell that isn’t even in the first movie. An Esmeralda origin tale  would have mitigated the Disney story of Hunchback and Hugo’s Notre Dame de Paris, I mean Esmeralda is the titular character and the book revolves around her and Disney trying to downplay her in favor of Quasimodo just didn’t work. So they should have done a Prequel full of Esmeralda and not the sequel that they poop out.

Next Time – Conclusion Time for the Sequel

Frollo Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Frollo hates the Hunchback sequel and is happy to watch it burn



Remember in Hunchback when we learned not to judge people? Well the Sequel’s plot is completely different it about how beauty is on the inside. The movie illustrates this with a bell that is jewel encrusted on the inside. Clearly the sequel was made by idiots for idiots.

Clopin and Quasimodo Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Clopin and Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Sad Quasimodo Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sad Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







So basically the movie starts as Quasimodo and Clopin are setting up for a Valentine knock-off called Jour d’amour (Day of Love). The centerpiece of the festival is a bell called La Fidèle. La Fidèle is the jewel encrusted bell on the inside (let the stupidness of that process). As the bell rings people declare their love by shouting their lovers’ name for everyone to hear. However Quasimodo is feeling sad that he doesn’t have a hot girlfriend. Quasmodo’s friends; Esmeralda, Phoebus, and their personality deficient son Zephyr, encourage Quasimodo that one day someone while see his inner beauty and find it attractive because Esmeralds did not.

Circus Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Circus Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Madeline Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Sarousch Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sarousch Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







Just then, the Circus de Anachronism erm.. Sarousch comes to town as part of the Festive. What a festival about love has to with the circus? Hell if I know. After Sarousch makes with an introduction which is ruin by his assistant being MIA, we’re introduced to his assistant Madeline. Madeline is pretty and that is Sarousch wants her to do but Madeline has a lofty ambition; Tightrope walking, however she has low self-esteem because she’s is pretty. Anyway Sarousch has a special job for her, he wants her to seduce the bell-ringer so he can steal the La Fidèle so he can be rich.


Madeline and Quasimodo laugh about Dumb Topic Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Madeline and Quasimodo laugh about Dumb Topics

Smitten Quasimodo Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Smitten Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracles Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracles Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney








Quasimodo in new threads Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Quasimodo in new threads Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline goes to Notre Dame and meets Quasimodo. Quasimodo hides but they share some laughs about some very stupid things. Quasimodo becomes smitten with her when she notices the gargoyles. However it all goes to hell when Madeline sees Quasimodo and runs off. Quasimodo is sad but then sings a dumb song about Miracles (which is more about nature) and he becomes hopeful and goes to the circus complete with some new duds.



Sarousch in his griddle Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sarousch in his griddle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Sarousch Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sarousch Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Madeline Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







At the circus Madeline tries to tell Sarousch that she doesn’t want anything to with the plan but Sarousch guilts her in to as he didn’t turn her in after she stole from him when she was six. Sarousch and Madeline then perform an illusion where they make an elephant disappear as Sarousch’s goons steal from the crowd.


Quasimodo and Zephyr Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Quasimodo and Zephyr Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline and Quasimodo laugh about Dumb Topic Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Madeline and Quasimodo laugh about Dumb Topic again

Madeline and Quasimodo in the rain Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Madeline and Quasimodo in the rain Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







After the trick Madeline stalks Quasimodo as he tells Zephyr that they’ll always be friends by means of another stupid song. Madeline finds this attractive and approaches Quasimodo. After some more laughing over more stupid things Quasimodo takes her to some of his favorite places in Paris.  The date consists of botched souffle, rosemary and a  creepy tower. They get caught in the rain and go back to Notre Dame to warm up and bond more.


Meanwhile Phoebus get swarmed with citizens complaining about a rash of thefts. Phoebus deduces that that the circus is behind it.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Esmeralda and Phoebus Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Esmeralda and Phoebus Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Phoebus getting hit with a ball Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Phoebus getting hit with a ball Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







The next day Quasimodo seeks out Esmeralda as he not feeling well because he’s in love but Phoebus comes in and makes a jerk out himself and accuses the circus people for the robbery (which they are). Esmeralda is upset at him and Quasimodo defends Madeline. Phoebus then says that maybe she’s using Quasimodo. Quasimodo then demands Phoebus to find proof.

Sarousch, Madeline and Goons Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sarousch, Madeline and Goons Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Phoebus and Sarousch Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Phoebus and Sarousch Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Sarousch autographs a ball for Zephyr Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sarousch autographs a ball for Zephyr Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







Madeline then refuses to help Sarousch any further with his plan but then he threatens Quasimodo so she agrees to lead Quasimodo away from Notre Dame so Sarousch can steal the bell. Phoebus then encounters Sarousch about the thefts and Sarousch blames it all on Madeline. As Sarousch goes to Notre Dame Zephyr follows him because he wants to join the circus.

Sarousch sees La Fidèle Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sarousch sees La Fidèle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney


So Sarousch steals the bell with the some technique he used in his vanishing elephant tricks (which makes no sense because they need a tunnel to pull of the trick and they’re in a bell tower of a cathedral), the gargoyles prove ineffectual and Zephyr follows Sarousch.




Quasimodo mad while Madeline gets arrested Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Quasimodo mad while Madeline gets arrested Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo cries Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Quasimodo cries Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney








Meanwhile Quasimodo invites Madeline to go to the festival with him but she sort of declines as she hasn’t been honest. As she about to tell him, they hear a bell ringing and Quasimodo rushs back to the cathedral with Madeline in toe. When they get there some priest guy informs everyone that La Fidèle is gone.  Quasimodo then blames Madeline for using him and Phoebus arrests her. Quasimodo starts to cry but hears the gargoyles and goes to them. Laverne tells him that Zephyr went after Sarousch.


Sarousch meanwhile in the sewer erm catacombs and discovers Djali and Zephyr. Djali escapes while Zephyr in his infinite wisdom tells Sarousch who is Daddy is. Esmeralda and Quasimodo tell Phoebus about Zephyr and Madeline tells them that Sarousch took the bell underground. Phoebus agrees to go into the catacombs but takes Madeline along.


Sarousch kidnapping Zephyr Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sarousch kidnapping Zephyr Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline saving Zephyr Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Madeline saving Zephyr Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Sarousch being arrested Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Sarousch being arrested Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







So yeah, Phoebus encounters Sarousch, Sarousch uses Zephyr as levrage to get away but Madeline uses her tightrope walking to save Zephyr and Sarousch is arrested. La Fidèle is returned, they have their stupid festivel, Quasimodo gets his first kiss, and yada yada yada Quasimodo gets a himself a girlfriend.  Gag.

Madeline and Quasimodo kiss Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Madeline and Quasimodo kiss Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Zephyr sums up the movie "yuck" Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Zephyr sums up the movie "yuck" Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney







Next Time – The old Characters

Esmeralda Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Esmeralda Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame