This are movies that I was disappointed in and in a few cases just missed the worst list. These are in no particular order. Also only did five of them.

Jang Dong-gun as Kunlun & Cecilia Cheung as Qingcheng
The Promise – This one just nearly missed the worst list. A few things kept it off, one being it was its own thing so it didn’t oppose a source material, at least to my knowledge, the visuals in parts were very nice and I gave it the benefit of the doubt that the Chinese version was better. However, I wished the plot focused more on the lead female like Netflix suggested it did and not a fast runner fighting an evil duke that has a thing for feathers. Overall this one way really confusing and disappointing.

Vincent Cassel as the Beast and Léa Seydoux as Belle
La Belle et la Bete (2014) – This movie I really wanted to like but the film-makers really messed most of this up. They gave the Beast a backstory that confused things and they went too far with trying to make it epic. I’m not saying that Fairy Tales movies can’t be epic but film makers need to stop doing it because you can’t pull if off. But more than that they didn’t even bother to have Belle and Beast fall in love which should have been a crime. This movie is lucky that they were so many other terrible movies or it would been on the worst list. The costumes were nice though.

Moira Shearer as Vicky having to choice between love and dancing
The Red Shoes – This movie is yet another movie that people like and I was more disappointed in. If they had spent the time to establish Vicky’s love of dance, the romance, and why she really had to make the choice between dancing and love it would have been better. The plot was just too rushed and unexplained. The Ballet part of the great though, so it’s slightly forgivable that the rushed the boring icky movie parts. I just want to note that shot which is the picture shows is really great.

Rutger Hauer as Navarre with Isabeau in Hawk form
Ladyhawke – I really wanted to like this movie but it was just too boring, too bland, too tonal confused and too fill of 80’s cheesiness. It’s a weird yet bad combination.

Lily James as Ella and Richard Madden as Prince Kit
Cinderella (2015) – Again I really wanted to like this movie, the casting spoke to me and it had lovely costumes but it wasn’t enough. The choices they made just confused the plot and Ella was less proactive than her 1950 counterpart. I don’t need or really want a super hero military leader Cinderella but girl just spins and twirls. Also the pacing of this one was really bad, it felt so much longer than it needed to be.
Honorable Mention
The Snow Queen (2002) – Just because it was super long, the acting was bad and the weird to heck plot. But I didn’t have any excpetations of it so that helped.