Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II

Ordinary Miracle is Quasimodo sweeping solo number in the Sequel. It’s akin to the “I want something more” type of songs but it focus on Quasimodo’s desire to be loved by preferably a good-looking lady. He relates people falling in love as miracle but just an ordinary everyday miracle like lightning, architecture and growing-up.  I’ve read that people like this song and they think it’s powerful. I disargee though, I find it clumsy in every aspect.

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline Figurine Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Madeline Figurine Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney








The Background Music is fine, the orchestra is quite nice but the medley and lyrics really kills it. Melodically the song has three parts, Quasimodo first bit where he imagines having someone love him, the second part where he discusses the “Ordinary Miracle” and the the last bit is Quasimodo’s singing about how’s he in love. Then the song goes back  to being about miracle and ends on the imagine how great it would be if someone loved him. The trouble with these parts is the don’t flow nicely into each other. The worst offender is Quasimodo singing about love and how it’s a volcano of emotion and gypsy potions can’t undo it. That part seems like it’s from a different song

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney








That brings us to the next point; the Lyrics. Quasimodo’s references to love and being in love with someone else as a common place miracle and  that for him that would be extraordinary miracle.  However he says that it would that it would “extraordinary if an ordinary miracle happen to him” now I know he’s referring to love but the line is written “an ordinary miracle” meaning any of the other aforemention miracles in the song would be extraordinary. However one of those miracle has already happen to him- “A Baby starts to walk or talk one day then shockingly he’s grown and in love“, Quasimodo is adult and is in love again, so an “ordinary miracle” happen kinda weakens his arrgument. Plus he sites, a natural occurrences like Lightning and Cathedrals being Miracles. Perhaps Quasimodo needs a dictionary but since he never master the alphabet maybe a dictionary is beyond him. Lightning, Architecture, and aging are not Miracles. A Miracle is an  extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs or an extremely outstanding or unusual events, things, or accomplishments. Given the examples and how Quasimodo ruins his point I’d say the lyrics are weak.

Quasimodo does a Hand Stand while sing Ordinary Miracle Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo does a Hand Stand while singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Victor and Hugo Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Victor and Hugo Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney








Hulce does a decent job with vocals, it’s not a different song to sing but I do feel he didn’t perform to his full capability.

Laverne Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II sequel 2 Disney picture image

Laverne Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney sequel 2 II picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracle Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney








Is this song the worst in the movie? No, it’s not, but it’s not a good song either, it’s barely an adequate song.  It’s just weak.  Dare I say, Ordinary.

Next Time –  I’d Stick With You

Quasimodo and Zephyr Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Quasimodo and Zephyr Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney