Belle's Magical World picture image

Belle’s Magical World

If one Beauty and the Beast Midquel wasn’t enough, fear not they made a second one called Belle’s Magical World. Belle’s Magical World is different as instead one dumb story, we get four dumb stories.

Crane, LaPlume, and Webster Belle's Magical World picture image

Crane, LaPlume, and Webster

The aim of each story is someone learns a lesson. Trouble is, it’s pretty much the same the lesson. The first story is Belle and the Beast fight about Beast’s attitude. They both demand apologies, so a meddling pen, stack of paper and a dictionary forge an apology letter to Belle from the Beast. So Belle says she is sorry. But when Beast finds out about the forgery he gets pissed and throws the three meddlers out.

However, they come back as they get lost and Belle lets them in and then Beasts forgives him. A side story deals with Lumiere forgiving a chandelier for outshining him when actually the Chandelier just wanted to be close to him or something. Forgiveness is the lesson here.

Fifi and Lumiere, Belle's Magical World picture image

Fifi and Lumiere

The second story deals with Fifi, the feather duster, and Lumiere. Lumiere forgets their anniversary, so he ask Belle to help him plan something. But Fifi thinks Belle is moving in on her man. Lumiere makes a sleigh for them. Then Fifi see it was for her. But the sleigh goes crazy and they almost fall off a cliff but it’s ok because Lumiere tells her that he loves her. And then they get saved. Lesson is trust or whatever.

Mrs.Potts and Belle, Belle's Magical World, picture image

Mrs.Potts and Belle

Third story is Mrs. Potts has Season Affective Disorder (SAD). So the gang excluding Beast, who is napping, decides to throw a party. The hitch is no one can cooperate but in the end they do managed to put on a party and Mrs Potts feels better and then the sun also comes out. Lesson is to work together.

Beast and the bird, Belle's Magical World picture image

Beast and the bird

The fourth story is Belle finds a wounded bird and wants to care for it. But the Beast hates bird. But then he hears it singing and likes it so he wants to keep it. Belle objects and then he realizes he can keep it prisoner. Lesson is trust and respect.

Beast and Cogsworth, Belle's Magical World picture image

Beast and Cogsworth

The stories work against the main movie. Beast’s rage pretty much subsides when Belle thanks him for saving her from the wolves. So why is he still so moody. Why does he hate birds so much when in the main movie he tries to feed them? Is meant to be an off-shot? I doubt it. Lumire and Fifi seemed to have more of a sexual flirtation then a significant romance. Lumire and Cogworth have a rivalry that never cleared up so it’s pointless for the to learn to work together only to really forget it. This movie hurts my brain.

Belle and Lumiere, Belle's Magical World picture image

Belle and Lumiere

However, I get the point of this movie. This movie was more than likley a pilot for a TV show in the same vein as the Little Mermaid show, where the characters learn stuff. However, the idea of a midquel show is stupid, especailly for Beauty and the Beast. First, you have a small window for the show to take place in, a few weeks, tops. Sidenote the season changes are all over the place in this movie. Second, Beauty and the Beast is localized to the Beast’s castle so the stories and characters are limited which makes it boring.

Belle and the Beast, Belle's Magical World picture image

Belle and the Beast

And yes this movie is dull. There can only be new insights to side characters but even then the movie doesn’t add much and it only confuses. Belle and the Beast can’t grow in the movie, they can only stay in an awkward friendship or go backwards and be angry with each other. I guess the people in-charge knew the idea of a show was a dud but package it as a movie to make a quick buck.

Belle, Belle's Magical World

I have no positives for Belle’s Magical World. It sucks.

This Post is result of Why did Hunchback Fail? The Conclusion of the conclusion of the Disney Version post where I asked people to choose some random Disney movie and pick you favorite character, to see if other protagonists are listed more favorable than Quasimodo. Anyway here are mine  (movies came from the list of movie people chose plus one)

HunchbackDjali or Clopin

Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali about to enjoy a feast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







I don’t want to choose between them so I won’t. Both of these characters are fun and charming.



Carpet Aladdin picture image

Carpet Aladdin

Much like Djali and Clopin, carpet is fun and charming. Also carpet is smart, laid-back, loyal and handsome (as far a carpets go).


Beauty and the BeastLumiere

Lumiere Beauty and the Beast picture image

Lumiere Beauty and the Beast

I had a hard time choosing. I really enjoy Gaston and Le Fou but Lumiere is fun. I say he edges them out by a small margin though I’m not sure why, maybe I like over the top musical numbers.


The Lion KingRafiki

Rafiki The Lion King picture image

Rafiki The Lion King

Another Fun character, both smart and silly.  Plus I liked it when he hit Simba on the head.


The Emperor’s New Groove -Yzma

Yzma The Emperor's New Groove picture image

Yzma The Emperor’s New Groove

What’s not to love? She’s a great fun villain.  Gotta Love Eartha Kit in this. I also love Kronk, they play off each other well but Yzma edges out because she just reveals her schemes.


Bambi – Friend Owl

Friend Owl Bambi picture image

Friend Owl Bambi

He’s grumpy and smart ^^ . I also like Flower, he’s adorable, soft-spoken, endearing and innocent that is until he gets Twitterpated.



The Sword in the Stone – Mad Madam Mim

Mad Madam Mim The Sword in the Stone picture image

Mad Madam Mim The Sword in the Stone

She’s too delightful and Mad, and despite her limited screen time she’s the best part of this movie, that duel was awesome.



Hercules – Hades

Hades Hercules  picture image

Hades Hercules

I really like Hades as a villain, he cool and calulating, and that makes him fun as Hades ^_~ (bad joke).


101 Dalmatians – PUPPIES!

Puppies 101 Dalmatians picture image

Puppies 101 Dalmatians

Except for the “badun” (Jasper & Horace), I actually like all the characters, but I’m a dog person so I’m just going to say Puppies ^^ though as a kid Penny and Lucky were my favorites.


Sleeping Beauty – Maleficent

Maleficent Sleeping Beauty picture image

Maleficent Sleeping Beauty

She maybe not be a typical fun character but she is the one having fun being evil and I like that. Plus she’s super stylious.



Apparently I like the fun sidekicks and villains. Not a single protagonist. Perhaps Disney is better at creating villains and side-kicks. Maybe they try to hard to create likable protagoists that in the end they’re not really all that likable or interesting. Considering that people who responded didn’t list any protagonists either.

If you would like to list your Disney favorite characters from any Disney you want, please feel free, maybe you can defend the protagonists, I just ask that you please include the Hunchback.

Clopin with Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin with Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

I’ve already mention Clopin’s over all look in his character analysis.

so to re-cap

Clopin has looks very similar to Kuzco from the Emperor’s New Groove. Has a long pointy long face, straight long black hair, pointy nose, and thin. Clopin is older and has a few age lines, balding (a little bit) a beard, bushy eye brows and some missing teeth. Clopin gets two costumes, a performance look and a casual look. Unlike Esmeralda he is seen more in this performance outfit. It Harlequin that is purple and yellow with bells on his neck piece, a purple mask, and long back gloves. He has wears a purple hat with a big yellow feather. The hat is akin to the one that Thomas Mitchell wore in the 1939 version. Clopin casual costume looks similar to this performance garb but it all purple and less festive. He also wears the same hat. Like Esmeralda and Djali, Clopin also wears a single golden hoop earring. He cosplays (costume play) as Frollo. He also makes awesome expressions.”

Clopin noticing Quasimodo during the Feast of Fools Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin noticing Quasimodo during the Feast of Fools Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Kuzco The Emperor's new Groove Disney  picture image

Kuzco from The Emperor's new Groove Disney

Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








Clopin’s look is kinda a model look of certain Disney characters. Much like how Disney villains can fall into two basic groups, thin and big, the good guys have their models too. For instance the fathers in Disney movies are usually dumpy old men.

Human Lumiere and Babette Disney  Beauty and the Beast picture image

Human Lumiere and Babette Disney Beauty and the Beast

Clopin at the end Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin at the end Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







The point I’m getting at is Clopin is reminiscent to the look of other characters like him; the larger-than life sidekick. Typically this character is not human, Sebastian, Lumiere ( through is human spends the bulk of the movie as a candlestick), Genie, Timon, Mushu etc, etc . However take a look at Lumiere as human, and you can see the resembles to Clopin. Lumiere has a long face, pionty nose, and thin. Of course Clopin is a little more rough around the edges but Lumiere works in a castle and Clopin is a busker. But they are both entertainer, (what was Lumiere’s job exactly?)

Clopin with Frollo Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin with Frollo Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Human Lumiere  Disney  Beauty and the Beast

Human Lumiere Disney Beauty and the Beast







One could say that Kuzco as man character doesn’t fall into this catgeory and Clopin similarity to Lumiere is a considence. I would that Kuzco is pretty over the top and spend most of his time as Llama so I think he can fit into the category and he a slight exception.

Clopin Disney Hunchback Notre Dame picture image

Clopin Disney Hunchback Notre Dame


So Clopin’s look follows a grand tradition of Disney character design which places character into convientional models which aids them in their quest for more money, by making the same old stuff. Actually Disney can you go back to the same old stuff, I miss it.

Concept Art of Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame  picture image

Concept Art of Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


And for no reason Clopin’s Concept Art.





Next Time – I suppose logically it would be the Gargoyles (Shudders)

Victor, Hugo and Laverne singing A Guy like you Disney Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Victor, Hugo and Laverne singing A Guy like you Disney Hunchback of Notre dame