Mads Mikkelsen
This suggestion is off a list from http://fuckyeahnotredamedeparis.tumblr.com as part of an ideal casting. Also since it’s Star Wars season I though picking Star War alunms would fun so Mads Mikkelsen it is.

Mads Mikkelsen as Galen Erso in Rogue one
Mikkelsen play Galen Erso in the 2016 Rogue one or Rouge one if you’re dyslexic like me. He also had very long career playing different types of Character from Hannibal Lector to Kaecilius in Doctor Strange to playing opposite Alicia Vikander in A Royal Affair. Vikander was also the topic of a Hypothetical casting post for Esmeralda.

Mads Mikkelsen as Lucas in The Hunt
I will confess, Mikkelsen would not a my first pick to play Frollo but upon looking more in his acting and considering his look, I can see this a good option. First he a good actor with a good range. It’s hard to really pinpoint how he would approach the character but pending on the film direction for Frollo, I would say he could pull it off effectively.

Mads Mikkelsen
Mikkelsen also has very interesting facial features that could lead themselves to a really good and memorable look for Frollo with the right make-up direction. He just the kind of actor who can skew more attractive to more weird looking, I don’t mean that in a bad way.

Mads Mikkelsen
Mads Mikkelsen would not be my first choice to play Frollo but if he was cast I would not complain. It would be interesting to see what how he would portale the character. What do you think Mads Mikkelsen for Frollo? Yay? Or Nay?
Also leading up to The Last Jedi and maybe after I’m going to more hypothetical casting using Star Wars actors so if you got a suggestion leave a comment. Also any anti-suggestions are welcome, like Jar Jar Binks as Frollo or Gringoire or Phoebus, maybe Esmeralda.