Stéphanie Bédard (brunette) and Myriam Brousseau (blonde) are currently playing Esmeralda in the French Korean/Asian tour of Notre Dame de Paris with Bédard as the principle Esmeralda and Brousseau as the alternate. Brousseau has been the alternate for Esmeralda and Fleur de Lys since the English Asian Tour in 2012 and Bédard one of the newest cast additions.

This video is lovely as the both sing beautifully. Bédard’s voice has a very soulful quality to it while Brousseau is more clear. If I had to pick a preference it would probably be Brousseau but it’s apples and oranges. I wish I could see/hear more from this current cast.

Whose voice do you like better?


This is Myriam Brousseau singing Bohemienne in English during a radio interview for promoting the Asian Tour. She was the Alternate of Esmeralda and Fleur de Lys in the Asian Tour and the World Tour of Notre Dame de Paris.

I rather like her rendition of Bohemienne. She has a really good control of voice. It probably one the better English version of this song.

I hope you like videos of the Asian Tour Cast because that is what this post is all about. Originally I had just found one new video but in the course of trying to tell Lilly-Jane Young and Myriam Brousseau apart (they look very similar) I found a few more videos so enjoy and tell what do you think of this cast.

Korean News Preview

The Age of the Cathedrals

Refugees & Belle

Dance my Esmeralda

Myriam Brousseau backstage as Fleur de Lys

This a Radio-Canada Interview with Myriam Brousseau (Esmeralda/ Fleur de Ly alternate) and Robert Marien (Frollo). The Interview is in French. At 8:15  Brousseau sings Bohemienne in English. For most part I think she does a good, somehow she can sing though the awkward lyrics.

Click here to listen to the interview

Myriam Brousseau

Myriam Brousseau

Robert Marien

Robert Marien

Here are some pictures I found of the Asian Tour Cast of Notre Dame de Paris.  It’s been a little tricky finding them, as adversitering for the show feature the 2005 tour cast. I’m hoping that when the show leaves China finding videos and pictures will be easier. Anyway Enjoy!

Warning – 8 somewhat big pictures;

Chinese News Paper with Ian Carlyle as Clopin and Matt Laurent as Quasimodo picture image

Chinese News Paper with Ian Carlyle as Clopin and Matt Laurent as Quasimodo

A Dancer performing in Bohomienne in The 2011 Asian Tour of Notre Dame de Paris picture Image

A Dancer performing in Bohomienne in The 2011 Asian Tour of Notre Dame de Paris

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo performing The Feast of Fools Asian Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo performing The Feast of Fools Asian Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris

Court of Miracles Asian Tour cast Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Court of Miracles Asian Tour cast Notre Dame de Paris

The Bells Asian Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris picture image

The Bells Asian Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris

Myriam Brousseau as Fleur de Lys performing My Heart if you Swear Asian Tour cast Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Myriam Brousseau as Fleur de Lys performing My Heart if you Swear Asian Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris

Tim Driesen as Gringoire picture image

Tim Driesen as Gringoire

Myriam Brousseau as Esmeralda with Candice Parise picture image

Myriam Brousseau as Esmeralda with Candice Parise

So I had said the Robert Marien, Matt Laurent, and Myriam Brousseau were in the World Tour Cast but it seems that they are in the Asian Tour 2011-2012 Cast. I Suppose with two English Tour cast information get a little confusing. Or Perhaps I’m Waaay off and was wrong about a World Tour.

Anyway here is the Cast of the 2011 Asian Tour Cast

Cast of Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour 2011 picture image

Cast of Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour 2011











Confirmed Cast (Source) and (Source

Quasimodo – Matt Laurent
Esmeralda – Candice Parise
Frollo – Robert Marien
Gringoire – Dennis Ten Vergert
Phoebus – Stephen Webb
Clopin – Ian Carlyle
Fleur de Lys – Lilly-Jane Young


Quasimodo/Frollo – Nigel Richards
Gringoire/Phoebus – Tim Driesen (Source)
Esmeralda/Fleur de Lys – Myriam Brousseau (Source)
Quasimodo/Clopin -Marc Akinfolarin

According to Twitter posts, Rachel Muldoon and Tom Muggeridge are in cast, my guess is that they maybe dancers but I don’t know, some how they’re are linked with the cast.

EDIT 6/25/12
There is a World Tour. It Starts October 31th in Russia. Tour will be English.

(((I’m sorry I got it wrong, but I’ll post something when (and if) and cast news is released on the 2012-2013 cast unless the Asian Tour is in fact the tour that General Entertaiment Associates meant and if that’s the case, why did the say it would be 2012-2013 when the Asian Tour only going to last for a reported 8-9 months? My guess is that the Asian Tour is the Tour Cast and General Entertaiment should have been more clear in their write up. But still it would be cool to have a world tour of Notre Dame de Paris)))


Robert Marien

Robert Marien

The Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour Cast Frollo will be played by Robert Marien. He has also  played Frollo in the 2000 Candian Cast and in the 2004 French Cast. He was born in May 5 1956 and is a Québécois. He is an actor, singer, and songwriter who has performed in the musical Les Misérables in Montreal, Paris, New York and London. He has also appeared in numerous films.

Here is a clip of him singing as Frollo from the Canadian Cast with Gino Quilico

I think he a good choice for the role. I have nothing bad to say about this casting choice.


Sylvain Cossette

Sylvain Cossette

Seems like the Tour Cast with be mostly Canadian Performers and since Matt Laurent with be playing Quasimodo I would predict that the odds of Sylvain Cossette playing Gringoire are high (Sylvain Cossette and Matt Laurent have worked together and Sylvain Cossette has played Gringoire before in the 2000 Candian cast along with Robert Marien.)


Myriam Brousseau

Myriam Brousseau


Myriam Brousseau is another Québécois and has been in Les Miserables, Beauty and the Beast, Romeo and Juliet and ASSASSINS. She’ll be playing the alternative for Fleur de Lys and Esmeralda. I’ve never heard her sing so I’ll hold off on judgement.


Edit-  This casting refers to the Asian Tour Cast for more info click here

Notre Dame de Paris 2012 Tour picture image

Notre Dame de Paris 2012 Tour

According to General Entertainment Associates there will be a 2012 Tour of Notre Dame de Paris. The Languge will be in English and it has not been re-translated. The original English Translation that Will Jenning wrote will be used. Personally I wish it was re-translated it. Some of the songs are fine but more than a few are not. Some the lyrics are just down right laughable.

The website goes into specific of show’s history but other than it being a year long touring cast, that will be performed in English there is no news on casting, dates, or location. I’ll try to stay informed.

Confirmed Casting –

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo

Robert Marien as Frollo

Myriam Brousseau as the alternate for Esmeralda and Fleur de Lys

Edit- I’m not sure, but I think it maybe regarding the Asian Tour Cast. For More info on Casting Click Here