Help The Hunchblog go see the Musical
So in honor of the blog’s 100oth, I have a few little announcements to make.
Announcement #1,
Since I don’t live super very away from New Jersey, I would like to try and go to the Hunchback Musical at the Papermills Playhouse in New Jersey. However since I’m primarily a blogger by trade I don’t have the funds to go on my own so I’m trying to crowd fund it.
If you would like to be a wonderful person and help me and the blog out to go to this musical, here is the link to donate, http://www.gofundme.com/h0h4z4 .
Anything you can give towards this is very much appreciated.
Announcement #2,
November is Nation Novel Writing Month (http://nanowrimo.org) and I’m trying participating. I’m writing a novel based on what I know which is me and blogging and ripping part Disney movies. Basically I’m parodying myself, the blog and online reviewing and I’m having such fun doing it.
I’m hoping publish it at some point. Also speaking of Hunchblog related book I’m planning on writing one using blog posts from the 1939 version and greatly expanding on it in a much more in-depth way.
Announcement #3,
This isn’t quite a formal announcement but I’m considering signing up for Patreon for the blog which offer special content to patrons but I’m a little apprehend about it. It takes a lot for to sign up for things like that. Gofundme took some effort to go for. I
Thank you guys so much for your support and interested in the blog, I really appreciate it. And I hope for another 1000 posts and thehunchblog’s birthday is in another month so that is exciting.