It’s Christmas time! A great thing to get for yourself or as gift are ornaments. Disney puts out a lot of ornaments and Hunchback has gotten a few, won’t say a lot. I do like this one because it depicts a nice scene from the movie and has a nice sense of togetherness which just sums up the Holiday times.
However maybe you’re not in the market for a Hunchback ornament. Don’t worry there are plenty and I do mean plenty of other Disney Holiday ornament for you. These are really just a few, there are so very, very many. This isn’t like a list or anything just a super minimal sampling.
I like how simple and to the point this one it. It’s classic Disney yet fun and simple.
I admit it, I have a soft spot for Eeyore. I like how he is tangled in lights.
I love how wintery this one is plus it has that feeling of togetherness that Hunchback one also has.
The Newest Princess.
Also if your if more Holiday crazy and ornament are too basic for you there is this Disney Christmas insanity,
This is for serious Disney/ Christmas fans!
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