This a small but a very important update regarding  posts moving forward. 

In the past I have tried to separate the word usage of Romani and the Romani characters in Hugo’s novel and various adaptations of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. My thought was that for the collective group of  people I would use “Romani” and when referencing characters like Esmeralda I used the word that  the adaptations and Hugo’s novel often used. 

I no longer feel it is appropriate to use the “G-word” in this or any capacity anymore and I will just not be using that term in any posts moving forward. I will just call any Romani character as such.  (Edit- the words I will use will be either “Travelers” or “Nomads.” )

I was on the fence about using the term  for direct quotes like if I was quoting a lyric like from Hellfire  for example but I think I will censor the word if I’m quoting something.  Which I don’t often do but could come up. 

This also extends to any and all Facebook and Twitter posts I make and Hubpages articles I write on Hunchback. The point of the matter is I will just no longer use that derogatory word again in blogging, a social media capacity or in my daily life. 

I don’t know if  I will edit past posts at this point but I might. The possibility exists. I have been editing my Hubpages articles that are Hunchback in content albeit slowly. 

I’m making this post for transparency. It’s  not for “kudos”or to show that I’m a oh so enlightened white person. It’s a hateful, ignorant word and shouldn’t be used. No one can change how the word was used in past versions or the book but we can move beyond it.

I’m not a filmmaker so I don’ know how future versions will handle using that word but I do hope they air on the understanding side with regards to the Romani.

(Regarding Comments, in the past I have kept them turned off due to mental health issues. I’m allowing them right now on this post for the moment (3 months as I have the setting on right now.) I really don’t think I will get any comments since the blog has been in a state of hiatus since 2019. If you do leave a comment be respectful. I will delete and ban any troll/out-right rude comments.