Naomi Scott picture image

Naomi Scott

A while back someone suggested Naomi Scott for the role of Esmeralda and after researching her a little I would agree.

Naomi Scott picture image

Naomi Scott

Scott is part Gujarati and part English giving her a nice look for Esmeralda, pending her backstory, though novel Esmeralda does have dark hair and black eyes so actresses with these features have an edge. She also has lovely yet innocence look to her which I think is lacking trait from the majority of actresses who play Esmeralda. Scott also has an advantage in that she can sing which Esmeralda does a lot but it is rather showcased in movies.

Naomi Scott as Mo from Lemonade Mouth picture image

Naomi Scott as Mo from Lemonade Mouth

As far as acting goes I have only seen her in Disney’s made for Tv movie Lemonade Mouth , which is not my kind of movie, a teen band movie where the lovable underdogs rise above the popular jocks and cheerleaders, yeah not my thing. However I didn’t loath the movie has much as I thought but to be frank a made for TV live-action Disney movie is not really a place to judge someone on acting. However like I have said, at Esmeralda’s core basic characterization, it’s an easy role to play and I think Scott would pull it off nicely.

Naomi Scott picture image

Naomi Scott

What do you think? Would Naomi Scott make a good Esmeralda?

3 Thoughts on “Hypothetical Casting for Esmeralda; Naomi Scott

  1. Josh on 01/18/2015 at 7:44 am said:

    Beautiful girl! Would be a nice Esme!

  2. Claire on 01/17/2015 at 5:40 pm said:

    She is pretty and I really like her songs, but I think she is very tall for the role and so is Deepika Padukone. What about Mila Kunis, she is beautiful, has lovely huge eyes and is shorte and lean as Esme is supposed to be. I believe Mila have talent, she just didn’t get real good roles to prove it, but in Black Swan she was amazing and in Oz, at the start she looked so innocent and lovely just like Esmeralda in my mind, Mila Kunis is stunning and I’d love to see her as Esme on the big screen! She can look really innocent and have sex appeal at the same time, I think she is kind underrated as an actress, everyone comments on her looks but don’t pay attention to her talent! Please write a post about Mila Kunis as Esmeralda!

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