garou Bruno Pelletier Gringoire spotting Quasimodo during the Feast of Fools Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Gringoire spotting Quasimodo during the Feast of Fools

Before we start tearing the songs of Notre Dame de Paris a new one, or unabashedly praising them, somethings to keep in mind.

Number One – since there is like fifty songs in this musical, I’m going to take a few at time because while I do like stretching out content longer than I should, I don’t want to spend a year on the songs. So it will be like three to four on average and maybe some songs will get it’s own, like Belle.

Second, the songs in Notre Dame de Paris are really, REALLY repetitive. So I’m getting that out now. I’m not going to keep say that over and over for every songs.

So next week we’ll start properly as I like just starting things at the beginning on months.

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