Skylar suggested in the comments on that Lily James should play Fleur de Lys, and I agree I think she was make a fine Fleur de Lys.
Lily James is most well known for her role as Lady Rose MacClare on Downton Abbey and as Cinderella
in the 2015 live action version. She is also in a few big name upcoming projects like Natasha in a War and Peace mini-series and playing Lizzie Bennet in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. She has also been in Fast Girls
(which is about running,) Wrath of the Titans
, and Secret Diary of a Call Girl
. I just want to say this is my third hypothetical casting post with Downton actors.
I have seen a few clips of her in Fast Girls and Secret Diary of a Call Girl in addition to Downton Abbey and Cinderella. I’m just going to say that her role as Cinderella is not a very good bias to judge her as Fleur de Lys as she is all sweetness and dreams in that flick. But considering her other work and Rose in Downton Abbey I think that she could carry the role of the haughty yet insecure Fleur de Lys very nicely.
As far as looks goes, Lily James sports blonde locks which is the general look for Fluer de Lys, although at times she has brown hair. But more than just her hair, she has this innocence look to her that can look supreme at times. Like a super upper-crust kind of look that a noble like Fleur de Lys would have. In a weird way she reminds me a little bit of Julie Zenatti from original cast of Notre Dame de Paris but I’m not sure why.
What do you think, would Lily James make a good Fleur de Lys? Wouldn’t it be cool if he had a Hunchback version that was fill of Downton Actors? And don’t forget to read War and Peace and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Yeah! I had first tought of Astrid to play Esmeralda, she is so pretty! But then I tought she is really pale and since she has green eyes, but I’d love green eyes, it isn’t like they really care for such details in the movies and I recently saw some pictures of her tanned and she had a really lovely golden complexion that is very Esmeralda-ish. I suggested her as Fleur because she is mostly pale. Anyway, glad you liked it!
She is really pretty and could look like a jealous Medieval Maiden! She has a devious, yet sweet smile. Great Fleur. May I suggest someone? I really imagine a blonde Fleur the Lys, I believe this is to contrast with Esme, and I’d rather her being blonde, but if they cast someone dark haired (who knows?), what do you think about Astrid Berges Frisbey? She is really pretty. And I’d suggest Lea Seydoux also, she is extremely pretty and could be a good Fleur, google her. Personally, I’d rather have Lea than Astrid, but both are good actresses.
Thanks for the suggestions ^^. I have to agree, I prefer blondes to play Fleur de Lys but hair color is an easy change to make. I will look into both actress as Fleur de Lys. Though I could see Astrid Berges Frisbey as possible Esmeralda especially if an film went with her original backstory.
I am probably the only person on the planet who has not seen Downton Abbey.
But, this actress does look a bit like Julie Zanetti and she has the right look to play Fleur.
Thanks for mentioning me! That is so sweet, I’m glad that you agree with me and She also reminds me of Julie! That’s so weird… But anyway thanks! Great post!