I recently learned that there was an arcade game of Hunchback from 1983 and you can play it via archive.org.

Hunchback 1983 Arcade Game
You can play the game here; https://archive.org/details/arcade_hunchbak
I tried playing, it didn’t go well. It took me a while to find my jump button but it’s a jump avoid thing with the end goal being saving a blonde Esmeralda who wears red. Hey, she isn’t the only blonde Esmeralda in the world, oddly enough who wears red, she’s the Esmeralda from the 1999 French Parody version. Though in this game’s case it was supposed to be a Robin Hood game with you saving Maid Marion. It was made by Century Electronics which was an English company.

Hunchback 1983 Arcade Game
My high score was 800 which considering that is only clearing the first screen, is pathetic. I just could not jump and move to grab the rope to swing over the fire pit Happy Playing!