Episode 5: Dreamcatcher
This episode has Emma and Regina freeing Merlin from the tree or in tree form. To do this, they need a tear of lost love. Emma gets this by manipulating Violet, Henry’s Camelot crush. Henry however sees this in Storybrooke via a dreamcatcher. Making Dreamcatcher is to Emma what spinning straw is to Rumple; a hobby to pass the time once filled with sleep. Dark Ones don’t need sleep.
Anyway they do free Merlin and he can free Emma if she is willing to let the dark power go. Clearly that didn’t happen since Emma is manipulator and like Cora.
There are a few nitpicks. If Merlin was a tree or stuck in the tree how did he visit Emma in the movie theater in 1989? Was it a vision? Second nitpick, why didn’t David look at the security footage after the guy died by drank the poison in the jail which Arthur convinced him to do? I mean Arthur wouldn’t have know about security footage. But no, they are going to plan a dance for Hope. Or maybe a Hootenanny of Hope. It just prolong things.
The show is really good at prolonging this just enough to give the character some easy out for completing their next task. In this case a Dreamcatcher shows Emma the anti-venom to fix Merlin and the task is done in the same episode. And David and Snow are all better too. Or are they in theory broken since the “sand” that “cursed” them “fixed” them? Doesn’t matter.
Boring episode. The date was awkward and Camelot is a bore.
Episode 6: The Bear and the Bow
While it’s nice to escape the dullness of the Camelot plot not sure how much the Brave location adds. It feels like a rehash, like Merida wants to be a bear so she can save her brothers from the clans who don’t think she is fit to rule. Belle convinces her she don’t need magic just her bow and confidence.
The Storybrooke plot is Merida trying to get Rumple to be a hero so he can pull out Excalibur. Her method for motivating him is threatening Belle. Also Arthur is still a douche and the Charmings, Regina, Hook and Henry get Merlin’s voice mail, seriously. Merlin tells them the way to beat the Dark One is find someone called Nimue. Nimue is another name for Vivian a.k.a the Lady if the Lake. Though I’m pretty sure Lancelot mentioned in season two that the Lady of Lake is his mother, so could be his mother. It’s about time we saw other Arthurian ladies like Vivian or Morgan le Faye. This show could have had a field day with Morgan le Faye.
All in not much to this episode. It’s on the line of being alright but again I’m bias, not a fan of Brave. Emma and Zelena’s interactions were fun. Not sure how I feel about Jennifer Morrison’s acting on Dark Swan but the attitude is still preferable than her whiney attitude.
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