The Guardian

Rose Reynolds as Alice Once Upon a Time Season 7 episode 18 The Guardian picture image

Rose Reynolds as Alice

Aside from the Henry/Jacinda ongoing tepid romance subplot, this episode was pretty great. Then again it was a Rumple and Tilly heavy episode, so of course it was just better.

In the past section Rumple tests Alice to see if she is indeed the guardian. She does pass the test but Rumple stops her taking his darkness as it would make her an immortal, I guess, they didn’t actually explain things that well. Anyway Rumple didn’t want to trap her in an immortal life and that is the reason why he stopped her from removing the darkness from him. Rumple was being noble and sacrificing. Also Nook and Rumple become friends after Nook learned what Rumple did for Alice. It was touching.

The Hyperion Height plot is the Dagger is missing! Oh No! Rumple steals Regina’s magic to find it with a locator spell. Meanwhile Tilly and Margot go on a date but Tilly is hearing voices in her head. The voices are actually from the Dagger which she was unknowlingly guarding for Rumple.

Also Samedi/Facilier is being shady, Regina isn’t happy Rumple stole her magic, Rogers investigates Nick’s weird death as well as teams up with Drew, and Henry tells Jacinda that he is the Lucy’s father.    

The only criticism is that what is the guardian’s role? It seems that they purify the dark one powers but they also become an immortal? Does this tie into the Holy Grail aspect of how the dagger was forged? Then again story aspects involving  the Dark One mythos don’t make a lot of sense, if you ACTUALLY give it thought. So just run with what the season tells and recall what the season want you to remember, THAT’s THE SECRET TO ONCE!

Also the episode had some sort of references. It had a nod to Coco with the place where Rumple talked to Belle. Also who got a Star Wars Vibe when Henry told Jacinda about being Lucy’s father? Because I did!

Anyway it was a great episode, one of the best of the season.  This episode gets an A-

Also Alice’s cloak was amazing.

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