Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas 2018 picture image
Merry Christmas 2018

Merry Christmas!
The Esmeralda image was created using the Heroine Creator from Azalea Dolls.

For this year I thought I would share something sort of special. A few years I wrote some Christmas Hunchback fanfics that I was vain enough to try and sell, which was a dumb idea. So this year I thought of sharing one. This one is sort of Charlie Brown meets the Grinch meets Book Frollo.

So here is the Frollo Christmas Fanfic that the world didn’t need but exists anyway and has had for years….Enjoy

Frollo’s Christmas Tree Plan

Rated PG maybe (no smut very wholesome)

On an unseasonably warm day in December, Frollo, the archdeacon of Notre Dame, was in his cell, high in the towers of the Cathedral. He couldn’t work as she, the beautiful Gypsy, Esmeralda, danced in the square below. She tantalized him with her unearthly beauty and graceful movements.

For the past few weeks, he had not seen her as the bitter cold forced her to take shelter away for his gaze. Today the pleasant weather let her dance her seductive dance before him. Her absence had made his obsession swell as he watched with fascination. His feet were frozen to the floor as she whirled around on her bright colorful carpet in the winter sunlight.

When her charming dance was over someone walked up to her bearing a strange conifer. Frollo was instantly jealous of this person who would dare to walk so close her. He must hear what they were saying. Even though Frollo was high up in the towers, he put his  hand to ear and heard her say in her sweet voice, “I love Christmas trees!”

read the rest of the fanfic…

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