I have 25 ideas for ways in which Disney could inject some Hunchback references into their theme parks.

A lot of these ideas would be easy or low cost add-ins (I think) but some would be more costly. I’m not asking for a Hunchback dark ride where you see movie scenes as you ride around on a ride vehicle shaped like a gargoyle, though that would be cool. And Side note, Disney, If you want to use any of these ideas I will not sue even though I know they will not since I don’t think they can.

But first a few notes;
-These ideas could be in any of Disney’s Theme Parks Worldwide but I was mostly inspired by Walt Disney World especially for some Epcot specific ideas but really these could go anywhere.
-A lot of these ideas follow Disney’s marketing trend for Hunchback so lots of Clopin related stuff.
-Some of these ideas are half-baked, meaning I didn’t give them much thought.

This somewhat organized by least likely to maybe Disney would consider it, maybe, someday maybe if Hunchback gets more popular and makes more money for the company.

Least Likely Disney Hunchback Theming Ideas

There used to be an attraction at Tokyo Disneyland called Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour. I read about it in college. It’s not opened anymore though.
Basically it was a guided haunted house walking tour with Disney villains. The villains were defeated by a child who got a metal at the end of the tour. It was also the only attraction to feature the Horned King from The Black Caldron.
So my idea is make it a dark ride with Disney villain tableaus including Hellfire, which would be the best scene. Maybe at the end of the ride the youngest person in the ride vehicle or a cast member could just pick the person somehow, defeats the villains with their “pure heart.” And the gift shop attached to the ride could sell the metals or little pins showing your victory over the darkness.

Animal Kingdoms has Goats. Name a Goat after Djali. Or They could change the name that area to Djali’s Sanctuary, works on two levels. Or change the name of the train that takes you to the goats to the Djali Express.

A Walkthrough of the Court of Miracles. Like maybe it’s little shops.

A Clopin cast-member could have a cart and perform puppet shows of Disney movies. Clopin Style!

Clopin could lead a Parade. (did that peform)

Poker with Pigeons. A game where kids could bet bird seeds and win something small.

Hunchback themed bathrooms. Could go with gothic architecture or a topsy turvy theme but Disney loves its theme bathrooms.

Add one of the Hunchback Gargoyles to the Bridge near Be Our Guest Restaurant amongst the other gargoyles that are lamps. Could be a hidden easter egg. Or they could put a gargoyle statue at the entry of the France pavilion.

A Toy Making experience like they have at Pandora and Galaxy’s Edge. Guests could get a custom made wood craving of themselves in the style of Quasimodo’s wood cravings. It would be 3D printed.

The Flying Buttress ride. It would be a ride like the Dumbo ride but with Flying Buttress. Not sure what that would consist of.

Slightly More Likely Disney Hunchback Theming Ideas with Food

A Clopin themed Cart that serves Dole Whip. Maybe it’s a swirl with Raspberry, Mango and Lime because Topsy Turvy. Or Spiked Dole Whip because Hunchback is a grown up movie. Although Spiked Dole Whip is already a thing. Or just a Clopin inspired Dole whip cone. Or a feast of fools one.

Interactive Bells at the France Pavilion that kids can ring. They have drums that kids can bang on why not bells that they can ring.

Or a Bell show with performers. Maybe they are dress similarly to Quasimodo.

A projection of Quasimodo at the France pavilion. Like on the side of a building.

An Indian/French fusion restaurant with a Festival of Fool theme. Maybe it has a King of Fools contest every night and someone is crowned King of Fools.
Please note, I won’t go in too deeply into Romani food culture. I did a little research and found that it was similar to Hungarian food but I’m sure it differs with Romani country to country. So just point a pin in that and we’ll come back to that in a bit.

Embed Hunchback stuff in the ground. Disney does this a lot so why not Hunchback stuff? Quasimodo’s shadow, the woven map, Esmeralda’s earring or one of Frollo’s rings, Djali’s hoof prints, or Achilles hooves or Snowball’s hooves.

One of the Paintings around the France Pavilion could feature Esmeralda and Djali in like an Art Nouveau style to keep to the theme of the pavilion.

L’Halles at the France Pavilion could offer a Quasimodo Croissant because he is shaped like one.

L’Artisan Des Glace at the France Pavilion could have a Hunchback inspired flavor.

Pineapple Upside Down Cake with Dole Whip could be called Topsy Turvy Cake with Dole Whip. Maybe offered a different location then where it is currently offered because it’s a Hawaiian theme place. Or they could change it slightly to a different fruit. But Upside down cake sounds like a prime contender for the Topsy Turvy name.

A Purple Esmeralda inspired confection. Make it Instagram-able for the Purple Wall.

Have a Speakers at the France Pavilion that plays Bells of Notre Dame or a recording of the actual Bells of Notre Dame.

Since I mention Hungarian Food being similar to Romani food, and if I’m wrong I apologized, why not have a Romani/Hungarian inspired Poutine. Now I have made this before and it is delicious. Basically instead of gravy you cover the fries with Paprika Sauce and cheese curds. You can call it Clopin Poutine. It would be amazing, trust me. Paprika Sauce amazing!

Esmeralda inspired Mini Ears. It would have purple sequins as the ears with a teal bow with gold strips and maybe a pink ribbon draping off like her hairband.

A Character dining experience with Esmeralda, Meg and Jane. Or a Villain dining experience. I bet people would love that.

So those are my ideas. Imagine the ideas people who actually work at Disney would have because they know the parks and have experience. I just watched a lot of videos and know Hunchback fairly well. So while I don’t think any of these ideas will ever happen I had fun making this list.
Maybe I should do this with other lesser represented Disney movies.

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