This is the second part of the music review of Der Glöckner von Notre Dame
Tanz auf dem Seil

Esmeralda and Clopin Tanz auf dem Seil Der Glöckner von Notre Dame
Tanz auf dem Seil (Dance on the Rope) is first new song of the show. It introduces Clopin as the Leader of the Gypsies and to Esmeralda. Clopin starts the song by telling the audience and the new members of the Court of Miracles what roles they play in Paris as Travelers. Those roles are beggars, artist, and the scapegoats and they must understand them in order to survive. One of the newcomers catches Clopin’s attention and that is Esmeralda, a dancer. Esmeralda had to move to Paris as she can’t keep her opinions to herself and it gets her into trouble but she is determine to try and make Paris her home.
Musically this song is fun. Clopin sings a bit of the from the final number of act one Esmeralda (which is one of my favorite from the show {it got the 8th position in my top ten best hunchback songs list ). But more than that Tanz auf dem Seil shows the audience how the Court of Miracles functions and what it means to be a Gypsy in Paris under Frollo’s control. It also gives Esmeralda a back story and ironically it seems to take it a bit from the 1939 version where Esmeralda was new in Paris and the Court of Miracles. Plus it’s nice to know that the map amulets were standard issue as you see Clopin give it to Esmeralda.
This song is the first big number of the show so I’m sure the staging was full of dancing. I enjoy this song, it’s interesting, informative, and fun.
To watch a clip of Tanz auf dem Seil performed on stage click here
Ein bißchen Freude

Fredrik Lycke as Phoebus in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame
Ein bißchen Freude (A Bit of Joy) introduces us to Phoebus. Like the movie, Phoebus has been relieved of military duty and has been promoted to Captain of the Guard. Unlike the Disney movie, Phoebus here acts more like he does in the book. He just wants to indulge in vices and have lots of “wine, women and song” you know A bit of Joy. He also flirts with a random girl during the course of the song. It also gives us some basis for character development with Phoebus seeing him start out as more of a member of the “common, weak, licentious” crowd to becoming a more righteous person later at the end of act one.
Musically the song uses the Phoebus’ Lemotif from Disney (you know that march music you hear when Phoebus is first introduced). It’s a good introduction to Phoebus as a combination with Disney and the book. The song has good energy and a bit of fun and it’s nice to hear Phoebus get a song to himself (spoiler- this is Phoebus’ only solo song).
Drunter drüber

Esmeralda, Quasimodo and Clopin Drunter drüber Der Glöckner von Notre Dame
Drunter drüber (Topsy Turvy) is similar to the Disney version but there are a lot of big little differences. A quick staccato introduces the song and seems like people running to get there in time for the start. Then it follows the songs with the crowds and Clopin. Quasimodo get some lines here to the tune of Out There (Draußen {His Leitmotif}). Also the music of Esmeralda’s dance is different. It’s slower and sounds more like what is typically considered “Travelers Music.” So you can imagine her dance is not the pole dance of the Disney movie, but you couldn’t really have a stage actress performing the moves Esmeralda did in the movie plus in book I don’t think Esmeralda would have done the those moves either. So the slow tempo dance music is a nice mitigation
Drunter drüber is akin to the Disney version but the difference make it fun and interesting and fun in its own right.
To watch a video of Drunter drüber performed on stage Click here
Next Time –
Hilf den Verstoß’nen (God Help the Outcast)
Hoch über der Weltt (High above the World)

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame