Cinema Sins’ take on Quasimodo from Hotel Transylvania
Though considering the totality of the movie it shouldn’t have been surprising that they messed up Quasimodo. I don’t even consider this a version of Hugo’s character.
Cinema Sins’ take on Quasimodo from Hotel Transylvania
Though considering the totality of the movie it shouldn’t have been surprising that they messed up Quasimodo. I don’t even consider this a version of Hugo’s character.
I come across this poll on Imdb called Monsters in Love. Among the monsters is our pal Quasimodo. The picture they used for him is from Hotel Transylvania. Before I continue I just want to say, I don’t hate Hotel Transylvania I just hated Quasimodo’s depiction in it.
That being said I’m not bothered enough that they used Hotel Transylvania’s Quasimodo to make a post on it, I’m bother that the picture they use has Jonathan right in the middle and Quasimodo off to the side of the image.
Above is the picture that was used for Quasimodo. Except they used a tiny thumbnail which cuts off Quasimodo a little past the ear. All the other monster got a clear shot. Why not Quasimodo?
Not sure why they didn’t go for the Lon Chaney version or Laughton? Chaney would have been perfect as the 1923 version started the monster movie trend.
Plus Quasimodo in Hotel Transylvania wasn’t even in love unless you count the love of food? Somehow, I doubt it
The last time I spoke about the movie Hotel Transylvania I admitted I hadn’t seen it (read here). But now I have. So I took the time out my busy schedule of sitting down to sit down and watch this movie.
So the movie of a whole was “meh-to-bad.” It’s a pretty standard premise and homaging the universal monsters isn’t a new thing. Plus humans in the monster world isn’t anything new The pop-cultural reference were very annoying but I did enjoy the atmosphere. BUT we’re here to talk about Quasimodo and his depicted in this film or lack there of.
So after I watched Hotel Transylvania and re-reading my previous post I will say I was wrong. Esmeralda is a mouse. She is not a rat. I’m sorry.
However Quasimodo’s depiction is just really mind boggling. First he’s the key antagonist as he gives Jonathan, the token human, the out. But why? Why is Quasimodo even at the hotel. Why is he a chef? Why does he want to eat a human? So since Quasimodo is a human himself he has cannibal tendencies? I still see this role as a plug in. They had a a villain chef who has a mouse to copy Ratatouille and they needed one of the Monsters to fill in and since who ever wrote this didn’t care much for the source materials, as none of the monster bare much in common with their original movies, the just used Quasimodo as he is French and French chef is a nice little trope. From there the just gave him acrobatics to do since it looks cool. Really, the most Quasimodo-ish thing he does is he kidnaps someone but that is it.
Now I had read that they designed the Monsters after the people voicing them. But Quasimodo doesn’t look much like Jon Lovitz nor does he look like Quaismodo. I mean sure he has a hunch and one eye is slightly smaller but geez is this most bland Quasimodo depiction. Quasimodo is his look you can’t separate that accept out. The legging and shoes look the most like Quasimodo and that is because they copy that from the Disney movie.
I won’t say that this couldn’t have worked. Had Quasimodo made a villain speech about how he was cast out his beloved home after the love of his life left and he found comfort in cooking and meet his pet mouse. Or had he just called the kitchen his “Sanctuary” it would have been something. With references to original character instead nothing it would have better but instead of paying homage the Universal Monsters which was kind of the point the movies references to LMFAO and other insipid pop-culture stuff. But that is the main problem with the movie it doesn’t have any character development except Dracula who has to learn to let his child go which same lesson as King Triton in The Little Mermaid. The movie is more concerned with trying to convince its audience that’s its fun instead of having fun characters.
Also Why Wilson? Why is that his last name? Is it because all the monsters got normal names? I mean he didn’t need a last name only Mavis got a last name. But why Wilson ? It doesn’t make sense and it’s not silly. So why????
I haven’t seen Hotel Transylvania yet so feel free to call me out on anything I get wrong. I had mentioned in another post that Quasimodo was a chef which parodies his being French rather than his role as a monster because let’s face it, Quasimodo is not a monster, he’s deformed, not a monster. Calling him a monster was just a marketing gimmick by Universal Studios. Remember Lon Chaney’s first big role was Quasimodo and was Universal’s first major film. The 1923 version started the monster trend. Putting Quasimodo in the league with Dracula, Frankenstein, and werewolves is moronic. I’m really surprised that the Phantom wasn’t shoehorned in the movie. Oh wait, a cave is shaped like the Phantom’s face so he was. Kudos movie.
However my annoyance with the movie’s representation of Quasimodo goes a step further, Quasimodo is an antagonist. What? Huh? Quasimodo is a bad guy? Well that’s certainly a new spin on the character. I mean he did throw someone off a building in a fit of rage but is that enough to turn him into more are less a villain? Consider that Quasimodo is hardly ever depicted as anything but a kind soul. But wait there is more.
Quasimodo has a side-kick rat named…. wait for it……..Esmeralda. What? Esmeralda is a rat? What? The Beautiful and Graceful Esmeralda is a rat? I can’t process this. So let me get this right Hotel Transylvania, Quasimodo is a chef and has a rat? Maybe she is a pretty rat? Oh, I get it, they’ re knocking-off of Ratatouille. So Quasimodo wasn’t funny enough on his own merits so Sony Pictures had to reference a Pixar movie all while knocking-off classic monster movies? Or maybe because the writers had no idea how to included Quasimodo in the movie but they had to as The Hunchback started the Monster movie trend so they just made him the chef. And since there is nothing in Quasimodo’s characterization in this representation of him in this film they named the rat Esneralda to link him to movie even though it makes no sense to call the rat Esmeralda. He also has Gargoyle minions which is a reference to the Disney movie.
One more thing, why is Quasimodo’s last name in this move “Wilson”? Why not give him some goofy French name, would have made more sense that “Wilson”. Or maybe there referencing something, that seems to film’s raison d’etre. I mean even the title is reference to the song Hotel California, because they both have the word “Hotel” and end in “nia.” It’s supposed to clever or something.
This isn’t Quasimodo and there isn’t enough of him to be a proper reference to any version of Quasimodo. It’s pretty clear that the writers knew of Quasimodo from the Chaney version and the Disney version but not enough to make a decent connection to the character’s legacy.
I have since writing the post seen the movie, you can read that post HERE
Sony Pictures Animation is releasing a new 3-d movie called Hotel Transylvania. It’s about a hotel for monsters and the character of Quasimodo is it. Quasimodo is played by Jon Lovitz and is a gourmet cook.
Quasimodo as a monster archetype comes out the 1923 reputation, so this interpertation of Quasimodo has nothing to do with the book. The fact that he’s a gourmet chef is more of a parody of the French than Quasimodo. However since this movie isn’t about Quasimodo and him being a straight-up monster and a chef doesn’t bother me
My biggest annoynace is the design of Quasimodo. For a character that is famous for being deformed and ugly he sure looks normal albeit slightly ugly but not up to standards for the character. I mean look at this eyes, where his protrusion? Even cutesy Disney Quasimodo got that much. It’s a bad character design when the identifiable characteristic are his legs and feet. If it wasn’t for the legs and the shoes I wouldn’t believe this as Quasimodo. For a movie about monsters they could have made him look more like a monster but they didn’t. I have to wonder though, for a movie about a haven for monsters where no humans are allowed, how do they explain Quasimodo being there in the first place?
I have no issue with Jon Lovitz for the voice. I loved him in The Critic and I’m sure he’ll be fine in this.
Hotel Transylvania hits theaters September 28, 2012. You can see Quasimodo at 1:32 in this trailer.
I think the movie looks entertaining enough. Not an original concept but seems silly.