Today’s Fan Art is by DarthxErik and it’s anadorable drawing of Quasimodo from Notre Dame de Paris from the Les Oiseaux Qu’on Met En Cage (The Birds they put in Cages). I saw this on and I fell in love with it, it’s just so cute.

Where Are You My Esmeralda by DarthxErik

Where Are You My Esmeralda by DarthxErik

This Video I found on Youku and it’s of Matt Laurent (Quasimodo) and Candice Parise (Esmeralda) singing an excerpt of “The Birds they put in Cages” from the English version of Notre Dame de Paris. This is not a perforrmance of the show but a concert for a crowd. Please forgive the Audio and Visuals but it’s better than nothing right? Enjoy

click here to view on youtube

I’m going to give Parise and Laurent a pass on judgement till  better audio clip comes around. (though I hear clips Laurent singing the role before)  but I have a feeling Parise belts Esmeralda as did Tina Arena, which I do not care for but for know not going to pass judgement or criticism.