This Video I found on Youku and it’s of Matt Laurent (Quasimodo) and Candice Parise (Esmeralda) singing an excerpt of “The Birds they put in Cages” from the English version of Notre Dame de Paris. This is not a perforrmance of the show but a concert for a crowd. Please forgive the Audio and Visuals but it’s better than nothing right? Enjoy

click here to view on youtube

I’m going to give Parise and Laurent a pass on judgement till  better audio clip comes around. (though I hear clips Laurent singing the role before)  but I have a feeling Parise belts Esmeralda as did Tina Arena, which I do not care for but for know not going to pass judgement or criticism.

2 Thoughts on “Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour Video Clip

  1. Eva on 12/11/2011 at 12:36 am said:

    Where do I find a full list of locations and dates of the Asian tour?
    I was more then excited about the performance in Shanghai! How can I I leave a note to one of the artists (Frollo; Robert Marien).

    Thanks a lot


    • jess on 12/12/2011 at 6:33 pm said:

      I don’t think there is a single place that has the full listing of dates. Even after doing some search I could only find dates for the performances up to March.
      Here are the dates I managed to find
      Beijing, Dec 27th- Dec 30th 2011 at the Beijing Exhibition Center Theater
      Seoul, Jan 19, – Feb 05, 2012 at Grand Theater, Sejong Center
      Daegu, March 16- March 25 at the Keimyung Art Center (

      I’m sorry, I’m not sure how to get in contact with Robert Marien. He doesn’t seem to be on Twitter like the other members of the cast or have a website.

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