Zephyr Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney Sequel 2 picture image

Zephyr Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Zephyr is the son of Phoebus and presumably Esmeralda. Zephyr looks like Phoebus but I guess his slightly darker coloration comes from Esmeralda’s side. I supposed if Zephyr had been a girl child he would have looked like a mini Esmeralda with a slightly lighter coloration, though given Disney maybe Phoebus’ color but Esmeralda doppleganger( Esmeralda with Blond hair click here to see).




Saroush magically zap balls to Zephyr HUnchback Sequel Disney 2 II picture image

Saroush magically zap balls to Zephyr Hunchback II Disney

I have been referring to Zephyr as being personality deficient and it’s true, Zephyr doesn’t have a personality and he’s uninteresting as a character. Basically Zephyr is child and acts as such. But Zephyr is not a character he is a plot device. As the best friends of Quasimodo he shows Madeline that Quasimodo is a nice guy and as the son of Phoebus he gets kidnapped. Zephyr is also used to redeem Madeline in Quasimodo’s eyes. If I has to assign him personality traits I would he’s a curious, impulsive, easily impressed, chatterbox with narcoleptic tendencies. The only things he does as  character development are trying to join the circus (cliche childhood fantasy) and saying “yuck” in regards to romance  ( yet another childhood cliche).


Zephyr sums up the movie "yuck" Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Zephyr sums up the movie "yuck" Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

The Cast Hunchback of Notre Dame Sequel 2 II picture image Disney

The Cast Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Quasimodo and Zephyr Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Quasimodo and Zephyr Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney








So Zephyr wins the award dullest character in not just this sad excuse for a movie but probably all of Disney moviedom.


Zephyr's Award for Dullest Character Hunchback of Notre Dame sequel 2 II Disney picture image

Zephyr's Award for "Dullest Character to appear in a Disney movie"


And yet oddly enough he’s only new character to get a song in the sequel.

Next Time – The Songs *shudder*

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracles Sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney picture image

Quasimodo singing Ordinary Miracles Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

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