Quasimodo and Madeline are suppose to be two sides of the some coin. They both have the same up-bringing, raised by someone whose only motivation to do so was to use them in some way all the while being emotional abusive. The difference is Madeline is pretty and Quasimodo is not. However they are quite different, Madeline is ambitious as she wants to walk the tight tope and Quasimodo’s only real ambition is to be in a relationship, and that’a the MAJOR problem with this relationship.
Quasimodo will say and do anything to get Madeline to like him. Really, he would have done the same thing with Esmeralda. But this blatant desire for a relationship makes Quasimodo creepy and he completely rushes the relationship. I think the movie spans like two days. Quasimodo pursues her like she the last chopper out of Nam and tries to convince her that he is beautiful on the inside. In fact that is what their whole first date is about, how Quasimodo is awesome and shame on her for judging him. However Quasimodo is just as guilty of judging people on their looks. He claims that he think there more to her but he comments on her looks. And Madeline is no innocent player either, she is using Quasimodo. First, because she has to as her boss wants the stupid bell but she also uses him as source of both redemption and self-worth. Both are bad things to use other people for.
As far as a love story goes, it’s a horrible one. Quasimodo manipulates a girl with low-esteem into believing that they’re in love. He tells her that thinks “there is more more to her” but what Quasimodo thinks this “something more” is, is not known. It really just seems that Quasimodo just says whatever it is that people want to hear (Frollo’s Training). Had he said what it was that he saw in her beyond her face it would have given the love story more depth. As a result of bad writing, this love story is weak and shallow. Quasimodo says the right thing to hook the girl and is blessed that she is dumb enough not to ask for any follow-up questions about said deeper attributes (though I sure if Quasimodo had any they would have been wholesome – perverts). And on Madeline’s end, she thinks she found someone who think she is more than a pretty face, too bad she is wrong though.
The reason for this film’s existent is to give Quasimodo a love story and the love they gave him is shallow, empty, and hollow, which make the this movie worthless.
Next Time – What the Disney Corporation should have done with a sequel to Hunchback, but before that a special article, an interlude if you will.
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Could not agree more.
I also laughed harder than anything today because I read this. I don’t know if humor was intended on your part.
Disney, you really messed up this story.
I’m glad it made you laugh. I think I did intend some humor in the post.
They both see imaginary gargoyles, so maybe their insanity gives them something to build a relationship on. Although I agree with you about Quasimodo’s “wholesome” actions, he seems to focus on looks in both movies.