Pictures and Trailer from the upcoming 2012 Les Misérables  movies. I’m still not sure on the casting and the production values seem a bit to  much like “Notice Me Academy”.


(Please Note –  I’m not as familiar with Les Mis so I may have misidentified  characters or actors)

How do you think Notre Dame de Paris would translate to a movie format? I think a cinematic treatment could be cool but the musical doesn’t have the best “narrative.”

18 Thoughts on “Les Misérables Movie Pictures and Trailers

  1. Bell-Ringer of Notre Dame on 05/05/2013 at 8:33 pm said:

    I did a bit more research and found a portion of the script on a forum. I honestly expected a lot worse, and this was only a first draft. Here’s the link if you want to check it out. Definitely needs more cats if you ask me.

  2. Bell ringer of notre dame on 05/04/2013 at 7:35 am said:

    Don’t get too excited apparently its just some fan project with no budget whatsoever

  3. Bell ringer of notre dame on 05/01/2013 at 7:29 pm said:

    I heard rumors about an indipendant stop motion adaptation due out by summer if I can get any more info I’d be glad to share

  4. Esme on 08/07/2012 at 12:38 am said:

    Yeah, I started laughing. Um…”Jazzy” isn’t really a word I would use to describe the book or anyone the characters. I’m tired of screenplay/script writers trying to make it fun and humorous; it’s been done to death and true fans aren’t having much fun with it. I’m all for a re-telling from Gringoire’s point of view, as it’s a point of view that gets overlooked. But then there’s this part of me which says “, the book’s about the cathedral and not about Gringoire.” So. I also hope that in using Gringoire as the focal point that the actually themes and motifs stay intact.
    I think that if ever a true to the book adaptation were to be done, it would have to be one made by fans and independently.

  5. Esme on 08/06/2012 at 11:17 pm said:

    Oh I found news on the upcoming Brolin adaptation. I guess it’s going to be a Gringoire-centric version.
    Here’s the link:

    • jess on 08/07/2012 at 12:18 am said:

      Thank you some much for the link ^^

      Interesting. Well putting Gringoire into the forefront does give them license to make it “fun” but “jazzy”? Also I don’t think it’s “par for the corse” that Brolin should play Quasimodo. I hate the way he justifies this movie as fun, the last two film version of Hunchback, Disney and French Parody version. Fun Hunchback versions are not new or clever.
      A faithful adaptation would be though.

  6. Esme on 06/12/2012 at 12:16 am said:

    As do I. The action/adventure adaptation has been done before. I want to see the melodramatic, true to the book version now.

  7. Esme on 06/05/2012 at 5:34 pm said:

    Yes, Tim Burton has been rumored to be attached to the new adaptation of NDDP. Josh Brolin will be playing Quasimodo as well as producing and the film is going to be a Warner Bros. production. The rumored release date is Dec. 1st 2013, however the project is still in development and recently the writers signed on for it.
    There’s also been less notable rumors of an adaptation being done by Paramount, however all I have found about that one is that if it gets the green light, it will be done in the action/adventure/comedy style much like Pirates of The Caribean.

    • jess on 06/11/2012 at 10:12 pm said:

      I can’t say I like the idea of Hunchback being action/adventure/comedy style. I really want a well-done almost-close-to-the-book version.

  8. hardyharhar on 06/05/2012 at 2:19 am said:

    This might not be entirely on topic but it did remind me–I’ve heard news of a Tim Burton adaptation of N-DdP in the works, but I don’t know hardly anything about it after that. Just thought I just let you know, in case you weren’t aware already.

  9. Esme on 06/01/2012 at 10:01 pm said:

    Oh and back in the day, when I was a big Les Mis fan I used to dream of the musical being made into a movie. I predicted this LOL.
    When I was in Jr. high/highschool Les Mis was my favorite book. I had a wall in my room plastered with pictures of the musical. I was broke and couldn’t afford an actual Les Mis poster. Les Mis is why I read Notre-Dame De Paris and also why one day, bored and not really into Les Mis anymore I searched “The Hunchback of Notre Dame musicals.”

  10. Esme on 06/01/2012 at 9:57 pm said:

    I think if everything other than the climax, with all the action surrounding the catherdral itself, the film should be kept simple and let the background/lighting and actors do most of the work. I am totally for transitional pieces…it’s more music and is there anyone who willingly goes to see a musical, on stage or on screen who says “No I don’t want more music…just have them stand there for a while!”

  11. Esme on 05/31/2012 at 2:05 pm said:

    I think that if it were done right, NDDP would make a good movie. They may have to add some transitional pieces to make it more movie ready and set a better narrative pace for the audience though. But as long as they keep Gringoire as sort of the narrator I think it would work with the right cast, director, producer…etc.

    • jess on 06/01/2012 at 7:16 pm said:

      I do think it would make a good movie, I bet people would demand the original french cast, which I’m fine with. I think the major problem is that the look of the musical is really sparse. There are only few set pieces, little to no props, and few costume changes for the principle characters. The attitude with musical movie is that they are very excessive, lots of everything. It would hard to imagine Notre Dame de Paris as being over the top in term of visuals, it the kept it fairly simple and made the camera work and editing the artist focus it good be great ^^.

      But you’re right, more music would be need for better transitions, which I’m okay with ^^.

  12. Pingback: Les Misérables? Not half as wretched as I was after watching this trailer | Top News Rom

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