I have been a little busy and I haven’t had the time to work on the 1982 costume review post. So today here is a special treat, A let’s play video of the Les Miserable Fighting Game a.k.a Arm Joe!
Can you believe this actually exist?
you can get it here, http://www.vector.co.jp/download/file/win95/game/fh392218.html
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Sad to say, but I knew about this game well before I had seen the musical or any of the film adaptations. I’m pretty sure I found out about it from an older youtuber called phantom reviews. If I can recall it was dedicated to reviews of just poto movies. sigh, oh younger self. I’m real surprised no one has bothered to make a similar channel for hunchback films.
Phantom reviews? I used to watch those, can’t think how I missed it.I leaned about it from Nostalgia Critics’ Les Mis review.
I guess Hunchback films aren’t as popular as Phantom films.
Though it’s not a channel, there is a user on Youtube who has posted quite a few of the films (granted they are in parts.) I think the user’s name is HugosNotreDame.
I remember that (Guy? Girl? I don’t know, it’s a channel) That’s where I first saw the ’39 movie (Though they removed it say for the last three minutes) and the first twenty or so minutes of the 1956 one. As well as assorted clips here and there. Speaking of adaptations on Youtube, the only major version I have not seen is the 1997 version. I don’t know why, how could I resist a movie where Professor Dumbledore yells at a printing press.
The reason I saw the ’97’ adaptation was because I had to see Rube as Quasimodo.
That is freakin’ awesome! Oh and supposedly PonPon is young Cosette’s stuffed animal.
Now someone just needs to make an NDDP/HOND fighting game.
Somehow, it would seem wrong to have Quasimodo Vs Esmeralda in a fighting game.
I’m sad to say but I haven’t read much of Les Mis. I have been meaning to, actually I have thought about reading it and taking a day a week to blog about it.