Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure picture image

Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure

Stylistically, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure is not in the same universe as the original Lady and the Tramp. For one thing, the original was from a dog’s perceptive, which it makes it very jarring to see Jim-dear and Darling’s face but given that massive flaw is the movie bad? Hell yeah, it’s bad!

Scamp and Jim-dear, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure picture image

Scamp and Jim-dear

Plot? Scamp, a.k.a mini-Tramp doesn’t like rules and runs away to the junkyard where there are no rules. The Junkyard dogs are a gang dogs that are led by Buster, who is a former chum of Tramp’s and bitter and then there is Angel, the love interest. But before he can join the gang, Scamp has to complete some tests. Angel tries to convince Scamp to go home to his love ones as she wants a home but Scamp doesn’t listen and gets thrown in the pound but is saved by Angel and Tramp. Scamp learns that family and home are awesome and Angel is made a member of the family.

Scamp and Tramp Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure picture image

Scamp and Tramp

There is the same thing that The Little Mermaid 2 had, the parents lies about their past i.e the first movie and then the child does the same thing that parents did in the first movie. Scamp’s Adventure does feel different as the focus of Lady and the Tramp was both of them and Tramp wasn’t as annoying as Scamp is, which bring me to my next talking point.

Scamp, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure picture image


Scamp is annoying. I couldn’t stand this character. Anytime he’s on screen, I cringed and considering he’s the main character that was a lot. Scott Wolf, who did Scamp’s speaking voice, can not make a decent dog sound for anything. Scamp’s main motivation is that he hates rules and he has a bit of ego for no reason. I hate characters that have zero humility and lack any charm. I will say this, his only saving grace and the only thing that got me through the movie was that he’s a puppy. Puppies are awesome!

Angel and Scamp, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure

Angel and Scamp

The film also has much goofier, dare I say cartoony tone unlike the original. The original had drama, a believable romance and charm. The cartoon nature makes the fight at the end feel really forced and contrived.

Angel and Scamp in the almost Bella Notte scene, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure picture image

Angel and Scamp in the almost Bella Notte scene

Then there is the forced romance between Scamp and Angel, they’re puppies. I don’t buy the romance for a second in fact it creeped me out. They even repeated the Bella Notte scene, though made it silly which was need because they are puppies.

For all intended purposes they’re children. They shouldn’t be singing this song . Why couldn’t they just remain friends, it’s not like the romance really went anywhere, so why did you shoehorn it in the movie?

Scamp, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure picture image


Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamps Adventure just fails as follow up to Lady and the Tramp with crappy new characters, poor style, goofy tone and a creepy romance. Good thing this movie is about puppies or it would have been really unbearable.

2 Thoughts on “Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure Review; Lady is a hands-off Mom

  1. dghjkl on 02/01/2014 at 1:45 pm said:

    What generelly annoys me about the offspring of Lady and Tramp is that all the females look like Lady and the male looks like Tramp. As much as I like the first movie, that part annoyed me even then. Why can’t they show a male dog that looks like Lady and a female that looks like Tramp? Or how about some puppies with mixed features, which would be the most likely option for a pairing of two such differently looking dogs?
    Okay, I’ve never seen the sequel, but after all the things I heard about it (even before your post), I don’t want to.

    • jess on 02/01/2014 at 7:05 pm said:

      That did bother me but the reason I didn’t mention it is because the puppies look that way in the original movie. It’s not worth it to watch.

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