Way back in March 2013 I did a post of Jean de Florette, a famous movie from France and its similarities to the Hunchback of Notre Dame (you can read that post here).

Emmanuelle  Beart as Manon in Manon des Sources picture image

Emmanuelle Beart as Manon in Manon des Sources

In that post I mention it’s second part, a film called Manon des Sources which follows Jean’s daughter, Manon played by Emmanuelle Beart. It takes several years after Jean de Florette.

Manon (Emmanuelle  Beart) and Ugolin (Daniel Auteuil) Manon des Sorces picture image

Manon (Emmanuelle Beart) and Ugolin (Daniel Auteuil) Manon des Sorces

In this movie Ugolin sees Manon dancing naked and falls into a deep crazed infatuation with her. Manon has similar free-spirited innocence that Esmeralda had in the novel, she even has goats. Unlike Frollo’s obession with Esmeralda, Ugolin never tries to harm Manon but he does try to win her over but Manon despises him and his uncle for destroying her father. However like Frollo, Ugolin is undone by his love for Manon.

I highly recommend seeing these two movies, they are great.

One Thought on “Manon des Sources Similarities to Hunchback

  1. Attina on 09/21/2016 at 4:05 am said:

    I watched this film after reading your post and loved it. Have you also thought how similar Far from the Madding Crowd is to NDDP? I mean we have the girl in a love square with one nice but ugly man who loves her- Gabriel. The the older man who becomes obsessed by her, tries to kill the guy she actually loves and is destroyed by his desire- Boldwood. Then we’ve got Sgt Troy who is exactly like Pheobus. He marries Bathsheba for her money while having a pretty blonde fiancee (like Fleur de lys). Some of the scenes are pretty similar too. The “Home Again- A trickster” scene reminds me of “Spectre Monk” where the Pheobus/Troy and Frollo/Boldwood have a confrontation.

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