Jane Eyre 2011
I have been reading Jane Eyre and when I say that I mean I started it like back in September and read it somewhat periodically but it’s ok I have watched the mini-series from 1983 so I know the in’s and outs. Like so many other literary works Jane Eyre has adapted many, many times and this version is from 2011 and it’s alright.

Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre
The way the film is shot is it gives more of a gothic feel and at some points it seems like the shot are more appropriate to a Fantasy work, though to be fair this really only at the start of the movie. As the film goes on it takes on a weird near music video style to the direction and editing. Not saying it’s bad just different.

Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre Tamzin Merchant as Mary Rivers
The movie also takes on a flashback framing agent. Meaning the start of the movie has Jane wandering the moors and meeting the kindly Rivers. Her life and meeting Mr.Rochester are told as flashback. The weird caveat is that after she arrives at Thornfield and until she leave it’s unbroken flashback and you forget about the framing. It’s inconsistent and unnecessary. Not saying the idea behind doesn’t have merit because it’s helps create air of mystery but they could have framed it better with more editing or even some use or motif to tie or even contrast her life at Thornfield with her current life.

Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre & Michael Fassbender as Edward Rochester
Then we have the romance. The chemistry between Rochester and Jane is odd in this movie. It’s there sometimes and mostly this on part of the actors. Michael Fassbender does a fine job as Rochester but Mia Wasikowska as Jane is hit or miss. She does a great gob with the physical end of Jane but it see she can’t really deliver the dialogue. It’s like she doesn’t believe or understand the lines of dialogue.

Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre & Michael Fassbender as Edward Rochester
To be fair, and I really don’t want to bring up the book but Jane Eyre is a hard role to play. She is a women who seems meek and shy but she really bursting with passion and wit. It’s that society and her station doesn’t allow for her to act that way. This movie has be acting more shy except for few lines about her being “passionate” and “ambitious.” Honestly Jane’s hair styles this movie showcases her personality more. Her hair is neatly pulled back into intricately braided buns. Something that looks demure and simple but is really complex and dimensional.

Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre & Michael Fassbender as Edward Rochester
With any movie adaption of a book they are either cut or run through aspect which this version does and it end so abruptly at it does take away somewhat from the story but all in all it’s an alright version. Not amazing or great but not unwatchable.
Side Note- In my grand scheme I hope to look at Jane Eyre and its movie versions more in the future but I need to finish the book first.