Episode 15: A Wondrous Place

Colin O’Donoghue as Hook, Deniz Akdeniz as Aladdin, Karen David as Princess Jasmine & Joanna Garcia Swisher as Ariel
Now this was a decent episode maybe because it dealt with the Aladdin plot and Ariel was in it but still it was fun. This episode also finalized the Aladdin plot which is a bit sad since from now on it will be the Gideon show.
Speaking of Gideon NOW he figures to ask Emma to help and uses Savior Tear magic which makes no portals happen so he has leverage. How does that work? Who knows? Even the Storybrooke scenes were nice. Drunk Snow is a woot. Though back when Robin left Regina Henry made her a care package but when Hook leaves Henry can’t be bothered to comfort Emma or even take the trash out. Teens.
This episode felt more like what show was trying to be in its concept, re-imagined Disney characters hanging out, having adventures and maybe getting drunk. I really enjoyed the show’s rework of Jasmine and Aladdin though Jafar was dispatched unceremoniously. Could they have done more with the Aladdin plot and less with Gideon and EQ and Robin and Jekyll and Hyde? Yes! But it could a less is more scenario. All in All it was a highly enjoyable episode. Though what was up with that oracle. After she was killed there is nothing about but in the past section is absent. I also miss that seer in season 2.
Also Aesop’s Table is a great name for a bar.
Episode 16: Mother’s Little Helper

Jaime Murray as The Black Fairy
Funny, the basic rule is show don’t tell but for some reason the tell of Gideon’s story of when the Black Fairy tormented a child and let Gideon’s cell door open was more powerful in the tell than in the show. Could have been the acting, Gideon’s actor was stronger than the child asking for help.
Anyway this episode does answer a big question, why does Gideon act so dumb? Simple, his dear old Grandmama has his heart. Oddly enough Gideon did want the savior to save the children in the mines and wanted to simply act her. The idea here is that The Balck Fairy needs the savior to die so a portal freeing her opens. Now that her plan is done what else does she want to do? I mean she the being that created the dark curse and presumably all darkness. She could be older than Merlin and the dark one(s). Wonder what she saw in Peter Pan? Then again her plan to dispatch Emma was a Giant Spider and for some reason I just can take that seriously.
Also this episode has Hook and Black Beard on a double crossing misadventure the brings them to Neverland. There should have been more of their antics, that would have been fun but there are only six episode left so can’t be helped I guess. Moving on.
There also more with the author plot because people must have really missed Isaac (I don’t think they did). You see Henry’s author powers are taking over because of the final battle and Isaac wants to peace out which apparently now he can. Where did the barrier go? Must have missed that part. And he also wants Hamilton tickets because the show has no clue how much time has passed since season 1 and neither do the viewers.
This episode was f boring. It made up for itself by the Black Fairy chewing the scenery, she’s kind of delightful and also Hook and Black Beard anti-pirate-pal-time. It did answer some questions that made Gideon more tolerable but that Giant Spider fight, no words for that one.