If I were to look at the script of the 1986 Australian version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, I would think it was first draft. It had promise at adapting the story but none of the characters are fleshed out or had anything at all interesting about them. It’s just dull and it’s not is just the script and the characters, the animation, colors, music, etc are just sleep inducing. I forgot I had even saw this one before it was mentioned that I review it.
I bashed the Enchanted Tales version but as horrible as that was at least there was something to discuss, as for the 1986, I’m not even sure there is that much there but I’m sure I can find something.
Though at least being made a decade earlier than the Disney version, it didn’t rip that one off or was made as a cash grab, so that is something.
Next Time – The plot
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