(a Note-This is a little off-the cuff and I’m sleepy as I’m writing this (it’s like 2am))
Apparently the universe wants me to look bad because now that did I post where I did a “check-in” to show nothing was happening on the Brolin’s vanity project a.k.a Brolin’s Hunchback movie there is some actual news of the on Josh Brolin’s Hunchback other than an adjective. Now the film is called “Quasimodo” (excuse me while I gag a bit). It seems like Zhang Yimou will taking the helm on this project. Zhang directed Hero, House Of Flying Daggers and The Flowers Of War. I liked Hero and I thought House of Flying Dagger was ok-ish. I didn’t see Flowers of War.
I have to say I’m glad Tim Burton isn’t directing “Quasimodo” though frankly I wouldn’t have cared if he did. I would love to have seen how he made everything all black and white and quirky. Zhang does seem to have his own style but I hope the film isn’t a action martial art movie but with pretty imagery. But given the Brolin’s interviews, Brolin himself, the script by the Sherlock Holmes writers, and now the director, I think this is going to be a Hunchback movie that will have an inappropriate amount of action in it. But to tell you the true I’m more caught up in the name “Quasimodo.” The Hunchback of Notre Dame is bad enough robbing the original titular characters of Esmeralda and the cathedral but at least there is an air of mystery to it, but these singular one word titles are meant to sound all epic. Plus this whole movie is Brolin’s vanity project and he can’t let anyone forget that like ever. He is this movie. Oh, why couldn’t have been a better actor’s vanity project?
I’m not sure if my expectations are lower or up a little from this news. Maybe the promise of director who has made some lovely movies has up it but the dumb title has made it go crashing down. Actually, I take it back, I have don’t have any expectations for this movie really. I hope it’s bad, It’s more fun for me if it is.
Source; http://www.firstshowing.net/2013/hero-director-zhang-yimou-to-direct-quasimodo-starring-josh-brolin/
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The fact that Brolin seems to be centering the movie around Quasimodo and Esmeralda just lowers my expectations further.
I’ve seen Hero…loved the visuals! But I’m on the fence about an action director directing this. But from the sound of it, the movie will just be an action adventure movie.
I’m going to need to go see it on a very quiet day when no one is in the theater…I’m going to end up screaming at the screen.